Well the deal is good and I have a few pics to put up. Got to get some friends together and definetly get some beers for afterwards. All these items are in a second story store room and have to go through a minimum of three doors and down a freight elevator the big things should be interesting to say the least. I don't think my scrap buckets would have worked here I need a dumptruck and my tractor!

Three bain sink two grills and a slicer

4 more slicers a ban saw my new scale on top various kitchen equipment
a burner two more grills various shelving and a coffe maker

this old hog of an ice machine.

And his big brother!!

various shelving mostly AL some stainless
This is going to be the haul of my lifetime. definetly the most by weight some items will come home to get dissasembled but most will be straight to the yard turn around and get another load. there is a lot more here than pictured and it will probably be a few days of work. can't wait to get started the boss man said after st patricks day I could start. I am assuming they are busy for the weekend but thats fine with me i need to get a game plan together for this one and call a few buddys with promises of beer and food afterward maybe a lobster boil on one of those burners if i can get it to work!!!