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where to post ads

| Scrap Metal Spots
  1. #1
    bigdog72 started this thread.
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    where to post ads

    I see a lot of ads on craigslist all the time, mostly in the wanted section. I also see that a lot of you post ads on craigslist and I was just wonder what section will get the best interest? Also some general guidelines on what to put in an ad, should I say I'll pay? what kind of stuff should I take and not take and finally if I do pay whats the best way to come up with a price? This isn't a full time thing for me but I want to expand on what I do already and get some decent scrap coming in more regularly

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Actually, ads on CL belong in the "Small Biz ads" under "SERVICES". That's why they get flagged off the "WANTED" section. If you pay, say so. DON"T TAKE CRTs. What to charge? I'd say, start with 25-40% of what you expect to make. You might want to specify what (scrap metal, scrap computers, electronic equip etc) and general area you'll travel to.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  3. #3
    bigdog72 started this thread.
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    heres the ad i put up, it's in items wanted but i will be moving it

    I am looking to pay for decent loads of scrap metal but free is always better i can pick up whatever you have at your convenience. I have a truck and trailer so big loads are welcome

    some things I will take: cars and trucks, appliances ( no frigs, tv's or old computer monitors), computers, lawn equip., above ground pools and pool equip, any wire, and anything thing else that is or has metal in it

    I live in the honey brook area and would like to find stuff around here will travel for good loads

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