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I am going to try my best not to throw around words that are usually misunderstood.. Words like "Ignorance". So, you live in a town which collects your trash for you. That trash is paid for with your taxes. Your taxes are based on a budget. That budget is formulated based on previous years expenses and earnings. One of those earnings is recycling windfalls... Some towns hire outside firms to handle their recycling and garbage pick ups. These bid on an RFP (request for proposal). In the RFP are figures and estimates. These include tonnage #s for all of the different types of material they pick up. What keeps the cost down is the money that is made off of recycling.
You all may think that is greedy or they are beating up the little guy.. But, the owners of these companies often times were little guys themselves once building up a business. They bid on accounts or service accounts based on observed tonnage numbers. When the valuable material disapears.. prices go up. That's when the customer starts complaining that they should not have to pay more for garbage removal service. Yet, you guys don't see this as stealing. So, while the guy pulling cans or stealing cardboard off the street may not be hurting anyone in your eyes.. That person is directly impacting the garbage company which indirectly impacts the customer of that garbage company who services that location.
This isn't about greed. This is about business. It is no different than if you won a bid on something and when you went to pick it up half of it... or even worse all of it was missing. You would be pretty pissed too. Especially if you put in time and effort to win that bid.
Yeah yeah, heard this one before. Don't steal govt hates competition, to put it in short, right ?