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  1. #1
    tklubeck started this thread.
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    Need advice on scrapping a garbage truck.

    I am VERY new to the scrapping world. I may be getting a garbage truck that, to my knowledge, would not be worth repairing to me. I have tried doing some research about scrap rates and vehicles and so far not finding very useful info. Are there any scrap yards in Chicago that would accept a garbage truck by weight? Also what an average weight rate might be for something like this? Any advice?

  2. #2
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    I may be getting a battleship, and was wondering much the same thing

    Actually, I'd think, if it isn't worth fixing, it might not be a bad idea to send it first to a wrecking yard, and let them strip parts off of it for awhile. You might get a bit better than just scrap iron price that way?
    Last edited by Bear; 04-24-2013 at 11:11 PM.

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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  5. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Oh the tears I shed just seeing a link to a thread on breaking down a beer truck.

    No tears for battleships tho..unless it's carrying whiskey, or some other equally awesome beverage.

    Sirscrapalot - Finds broken beer trucks to be a tearjerker.

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  7. #5
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Get on the phone and call around to some yards. Try calling the bigger yards, smaller yards would not be able to handle big trucks like that. My .02

  8. #6
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    Okay here's what I don't get... You have a device made for compacting it's load and then hauling it, and you're wanting to scrap it? That's like a scrappers dream. I mean at the very least, either the compactor or truck, one of the two has to be reusable I'm sure.

  9. #7
    corycouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFatMan View Post
    Okay here's what I don't get... You have a device made for compacting it's load and then hauling it, and you're wanting to scrap it? That's like a scrappers dream. I mean at the very least, either the compactor or truck, one of the two has to be reusable I'm sure.
    Usually these are part of a fleet, once they get replaced they turn into donor trucks and by the time they get their parts robbed there wouldn't be a whole lot left but a lot of steel. ive got a deal going now with a fleet of 70+(I was initially told 40) dodge 3500/2500 passenger vans and I got three of their donors in the last few weeks, I talked to the mechanic in charge and said between the three vans you couldn't make one good one
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
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  11. #8
    wannabemechanic's Avatar
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    Last year I cut up an old garbage truck that had been sitting for 20 years, if I find my receipts I'll give you a breakdown. It was a HEIL rear-loader that was rotted out on a Chevy C-6500 single-axle.

    -The body of the box went as #2 steel (18'' x 3' x appx 1/8" thick).
    -The packer, hydraulic cylinders, frame, transmission (drained), rear end/axles/wheel hubs got cut into #1 Steel (18"x 5' x >1/4" thick)- "Five foot plate" as my yard calls it.
    -I rolled the cab off (750 lbs, glad I'm not a little guy, I did it by hand :-P) and took it to the yard that crushes cars with all the other crap that was mixed or too thin for #2
    -Motor got taken apart for motor cast.

    -Disposal of tires
    -Hydraulic fluid, motor oil, transmission grease, rear end grease (plan for 30-50 gallons in all, depending on the truck).
    -Fiberglass hood
    -Cutting gasses

    It was worth it though, especially considering it was my first big truck to cut up, I got it all figured out on that one. The same people had me cut up an old water truck after that and it took 1/4 the time for 1/2 the value. :-D

    As far as using an old truck there are MYRIADS of things that are or can be wrong on those old garbage trucks, the primary issues are the floor/frame of the box rotting out, the hydraulic system being destroyed, and the clutch/transmission being ground to nothing (the one I took apart had most of the teeth in the reverse gears gone). My Dad bought an old rear-loader as a spare for his Garbage route, got it for $8k and had to dump another $6k into it just to make it mostly reliable and DOT legal.

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