Not alot of scrappers know this but there's 15 to 20 lbs of #2 copper in a pool heater. The odd one will have 20lbs brass manifolds but most are cast.
Plus the scrap tin.
They come apart really easy with a screw gun.
Plus the pool guys will have pool pumps which also nets $10 in copper. What comes apart easily also.
Go out and search out pool guys and get their pool heaters.
Pool heater with top removed
Here's the copper
And the manifold. This one has brass manifolds on each end. Cha Ching.....
A bunch of pool heaters in our old truck and trailer after a pool run.
A bunch of pool pump motors taken apart ready for the chop saw.
Good thing about pool pump motor 90% of them are copper windings not alum.
Happy hunting guys.