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Train tracks - Page 3

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  1. #41
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    You dont got to cut the track the whole way just put a notch everywhere you want it cut you can put notch on top or bottom the bottom is best thinner and just make a line with your torch then prop one end up about 5 6 inches let cool a little then hit with sledge hammer it will break where ever you notched it.It works saves fuel try it.

  2. #42
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by NJSouth View Post
    Hey Everyone, I'm new here but not new to scrapping. I am also NEW to the railroad industry as I just started working on the railroad for last two months... Guys.. it is a SCRAPPERS PARADISE!!! And I'm NOT talkng about stealing ANYTHING. I'm working in the Philly area so keep that in mind. We've been riding the rails (right of way) aka on the side of the tracks.. You cannot believe what people dump down there. For me its great for society it sucks because people are disgusting pigs.
    That being said it is "technichally" illegal to trespass on railroad property however if you are close, wander down and happen to see whats down there its amazing. Just the aluminum cans alone will be a chunk of money. I found a still certified, aluminum Oxygen tank that I collected. I've been with a training partner so he thinks I'm a little goofy. People dump everything along the tracks in areas closer to the cities. How any homeless bum cant make some money is beyond me. Oh and collecting the metal spray paint cans the taggers use... metal equals money!! Shopping carts, rims, appliances, its all there. Just don't take the railroads stuff. Good luck with it and PM me with any questions on the railroad laws. All the best.
    I worked in the railroad industry some time back as an operations manager. Usually, major railroads have contracted the collection and disposal of used rail, ties, pins, bolts, anchors...etc., at a price. If you take it, two things occur, your have first violated the right of way of the railroad (tresspassed) and two you have stolen metal items which have been paid for under contract. Now, I understand how frustrating it can be to way the stuff sit there for years, as I was a manage in the track department and it just boggled my mind how someone could pay for the metal, then not come get it for years. My advice to anyone is stay away from the railroad (25+ feet) unless you work on a rail gang, are inspecting the track or work for that rail company.

  3. #43
    TheKid's Avatar
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    Is it possible to get a permit from the railroad to collect the metal, and if so how?

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