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i got another

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  1. #1
    corycouch started this thread.
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    i got another

    ive got another, this one was set up through my yard manager, he set me and the manager for the local abilities unlimited a meeting today. abilities unlimited is a local charity that takes donations and resells the products at a thrift store, the abilities unlimited part is they employee people with disabilities to sort through the donations. today I bought two 3500 dodge vans with wheelchairlifts. last year they had 32 vehicles donated in December alone, now I wont get to buy all of these because sometimes they get to resell them as running vehicles. needless to say we spent a few hours together. their old guy was unreliable and they called my yard and the rest is history, we have another meeting tomorrow for the ewaste part. the vans I bought today were part of their fleet.

    I also got a call from a different repo guy today, I offered a better than average price to try to get in the door, but as of yet no return call.

    im sure you guys are TIRED of hearing it but get a good relationship with your yard if at all possible

    sure your tired of this to but my sources for repeat customers

    wrecker services several now
    repo men
    body shops, sealed bids around here
    my yard, the girls hook me up most of the time, but today it was the manager
    mechanic shops, on these sometimes vehicles are abandoned, but usually the vehicle is beyond repair, key here is to show the mechanics your appreciation which means lunch or breakfast

    I might as well keep going so building your network, building your network and building your network

    the wreckers services have bailed me out more times than I can count, delivering vehicles to my place, ive even had john henry take one to the yard for me, one time I had a breakdown on a scheduled pick up and he went and bought a car for me then delivered it, a different occasion he even hauled one to the yard for me when I had a wheel bearing go out on my trailer, Clinton Kelley helps me all the time to mainly hauling cars to the house when im behind, $45 usually. flat rate at wrecker yards whether it be a metro or a 3500 truck $300

    repo guys, great source of cars plus he delivers for $25 above quote, he is also a small time mechanic also that does oil changes and brakes mainly, I get a lot of radiators, rotors, cv axels, and a few converters from him

    ive got a small time body shop with four employees just down the road and he works for one of the larger auto dealers in town. I don't get rich on him but a few trailer loads of body panels a month and several radiators, I get 20% he gets 80. he also buys a lot of projects from the wrecker yards

    another towing company owns a body shop also, his name is Daniel, he orders me body panels at cost, I get their fenders and radiators at no charge, kinda goes with the flat rate I buy cars for, and by the way their old guy was unreliable

    another towing company his name is gary, also owns a locksmith shop, I get all their scrap except for the brass, he goes to las vegas on his brass every year, I still get lots of stainless and aluminum, I get keys thrown in when I need them, flat rate on cars here to, same old story their old guy was unreliable and these guys are my newest wrecker service

    bailbondsmen just check out my bailbondsmen thread

    a blazer guy, you also need a ford truck guy, chevy truck guy, well you get the idea, lets stick with the blazer guy, you guessed it he buys ALMOST every s10 and s10 blazer I get, make a phone call send some pics and usually deliver, he hooked me up with his motor guy, yep they swap motors fast and cheap

    car lots, ive got a few I deal with now, mostly for selling projects but sometimes I get to buy a junker or clunker from them, they are a good place to sell used tires and batteries

    ive got another mechanic shop that hooks me up regular, I get several cars from them, I have to buy their scrap,also they hooked me up with the child afterschool delivery service with the huge fleet of vans.

    several other people that like to buy projects and countless one time customers

    and don't forget the yard, earn their trust and you will be in

    EDIT I deal in cars mainly, but you can network anything from ewaste to fence posts, you just have to figure it out
    Last edited by corycouch; 06-18-2013 at 09:59 PM.
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
    c & c recycling
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  2. #2
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    You're a cool dude Cory, I'd guess very few have the appreciation i do for ya. I know you've worked hard, and deserve every bit of it. Keep staying your same cool goodhearted self man

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    corycouch started this thread.
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    thanks bear, I just try to be as fair as I can in each situation, I offer a good price and hope they take it, when I sell one I make sure I offer a price where they can make money, treat them like I want to be treated

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  6. #4
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    lets stick with the blazer guy, you guessed it he buys ALMOST every s10 and s10 blazer I get
    you must be talking about me, lol
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

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  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    when I sell one I make sure I offer a price where they can make money, treat them like I want to be treated
    be careful talking like that, you might wind up like J.D.Rockefeller. I think it was him said about the same thing, "you've always got to leave the other man room to make some money" ; )

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  10. #6
    corycouch started this thread.
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    if they don't make money they won't have any money to buy the next one, one of the car dealers I deal with said he never seen anyone like me, every other scrapper that has ever came to him tries to get him for every penny, I honestly ask him what he thinks he will sell it for and how much he thinks repairs will be, he thought I was just trying to get to him the first few times, I have got to leave them room just like he knows he has to give more than I can scrap it for, its a win win
    Last edited by corycouch; 06-18-2013 at 09:52 PM.

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  12. #7
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Cory...I'll say..what bear said in post 2 x10 buddy.

    Glad to see your hitting the tow yards. Sure ya do it already but keep an eye out for the abandoned impound car auction/sales with those guys. The tow company my grandmother works for in Va ( She's the night dispatcher..haha!) they do this all the time sell the cars people abandon when they can't pay the storage fees, impound fee, dwi/dui fee..etc.

    Your a smart fella so sure ya figured that one a long time ago.

    Keep it up buddy an if like Bear says, you become the next Rockefeller I want one of those **** sandwiches sent overnight to me!

    Sirscrapalot - Will be yelling.."I used to make him laugh on the smf forums when he first got started!" when you do become the next JD Rockefeller.

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  14. #8
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    Never get tired of reading about Junkers and Clunkers...thanks for all the info Cory.
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    Keep em coming buddy. I wish I had the flow of late model vehicles you have !
    Alvord iron and salvage
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  18. #10
    corycouch started this thread.
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    I wish there was more hours in the day taking an afternoon break right now but its the first time we stopped all day, I bought a 01 neon a moment ago from the bondsman, had my meeting on the phone with abilities unlimited, I don't want to leave a too good to be true on here so ill just wait until it actually happens, we are going to have another meeting in person next week as he will be out of pocket until then, I will say it sounds promising

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  20. #11
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    good luck!

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  22. #12
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    we are going to have another meeting in person next week as he will be out of pocket until then, I will say it sounds promising
    What the heck did he say??
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  23. #13
    corycouch started this thread.
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    the guy at abilities unlimited I bought the vans from is in charge of the whole operation, I talked to him on the phone today about ewaste, he asked if I had a limit I could get at one time. like I say I hate to get too excited. out of pocket means he has prior meetings he has to attend to before he gets to me, I may have worked in corporate America too long, they said it a lot at frito lay

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I propose at the SMF scrap convention we have a seminar called.."Decoding CoryCouch 101".

    Right after it we'll have a "Whats in whatever Sirscrapalot is drinking that makes him so silly?" seminar.

    An good luck with it Cory!

    Sirscrapalot - When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt. - Henry J. Kaiser

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    Thank you for clearing that up for the dummies amongst us,,,

  28. #16
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    I propose at the SMF scrap convention we have a seminar called.."Decoding CoryCouch 101".

    Right after it we'll have a "Whats in whatever Sirscrapalot is drinking that makes him so silly?" seminar.
    You ought to try talking to him on the phone...Dig the accent Cory!

    As for the cooler this was in one of the regulars bins the other morning...poor boys must have had to work late and then Sirscraps showed up to ease their pain.

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    Heck with calling, he's already told me I could come visit if I bring the cooler along.

    An as far as the cans...I can neither confirm nor deny I had anything to do with that..

    Sirscrapalot - Ask me no questions I'll tell you no lies. - Someone more famous then me

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  32. #18
    corycouch started this thread.
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    if I hit the cooler a little early it might make the decoding easier, im not sure about the slur added to my accent tho everyone around here understands me just fine

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  34. #19
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    Reading a thread like this gives me the motivation to keep pushing. I will make it.

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  36. #20
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    if I hit the cooler a little early it might make the decoding easier, im not sure about the slur added to my accent tho everyone around here understands me just fine
    That's cause your all from Arkansas,,,

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