man , you were reading my mind on that one. I called my local shooting range and just from shooting there myself I have seen thousands of rounds (large caliber stuff....223, 7.62x39, 308, etc, etc, just laying around in the ground, So I called and said i was a shooter up there and was wondering if they, or anyone was collectikng the used brass, and to my surprise they said yes they were now picking up all the thousands upon thousands of casings embedded in the dirt at the firing line. Now the sense I got was that I must have been the umpteenth caller on the bras casings subject because I know a guy who shoots up there almost daily and he said that they are picking up only the really good reloadable rounds like the .338, .308, and on. So, I just think it was to pacify my interest in the cartridge situation, so I guess that avenue is shot (no pun intended)