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Where to find washers and dryers?

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  1. #1
    appliancebuyer started this thread.
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    Where to find washers and dryers?

    Can anyone tell me where to find a good source of old washers and dryers? I repair and sell them. I advertise on the local CL and get a few but I'm looking for a steady source.

  2. #2
    matador's Avatar
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    Do you pay for them, accept them for free, or charge for them? If it's one of the first two, I'd advertise in the local classified ads paper. I don't know if you'd want to do this or not, but there was a place out here that would give you a little in store credit if you brought in your old/broken appliance (They only did washers, dryers, and ovens). We worked with them until the owner retired a couple of years ago. A lot of the people that have broken dryers are looking for a working one. By baiting the hook, I'd bet that a few will bite.

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  4. #3
    ryanw's Avatar
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    If you are willing to purchase, you can find wholesalers of appliances. Around here, they run about $50 a unit, as-is. You just have to see how each seller works. Sometimes you can pick and choose, sometimes you just have to buy a certain number and you get what you get. The people selling are usually large collectors. I know someone locally that runs a business similar to what you are doing, and it has grown very fast. She actually collects, wholesales out large numbers of units, but also repairs and sells retail. Also, there are a lot of scrap units that get scavenged for parts.

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  6. #4
    appliancebuyer started this thread.
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    Yea ryanw, there is a wholesaler in Long Island, NY. I've talked to people on another forum and they said it's sketchy with what you get. I specialize in Whirlpool made machines, most other brands are not worth the repair costs unless they're working and then it's a simple "buy low, sell high" with no warranty.

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