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  1. #1
    parrothead started this thread.
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    The Scrap Metal Removal Services Section works

    I just got a phone call based on the scrap metal removal services ad in the section at the top of the forum. Her husband has a steel garage door he is trying to get rid of and was going to drive it to me. I am behind on getting my trailer and not able to take large steel yet, but was able to give her a place closer to where they live and get a few dollars, rather than him using the gas to get it to me.

    She was happy and I now have a fire under my butt to get rid of my big cooker and get that scrapping trailer.

    P.S. there are no scrap yards in my actual town. They are in the town north and in the town south. Wish I had the space to open a real facility here.
    Last edited by parrothead; 04-01-2011 at 06:35 AM.

  2. #2
    parrothead started this thread.
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    I just got another call from a guy because of the ad out front. He has some copper and aluminum and an electric motor. He is affiliated with a very large trailer park and is going to suggest that they start giving me a call rather than throw the stuff in the trash they get.

    Is the ad section still open to non subscribing members? If so, it should be thought about closing it down to just subscribing members. It is a true asset. Just a thought.

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  4. #3
    parrothead started this thread.
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    I am not going to keep letting you guys know every time I get a call, but I got another one today from a restaurant chain here. They just replaced their 6 top stove and their salamander and called me to grab the old ones from them today. I went and got them. There is some stainless, some electrical wiring and some motors as well as some very heavy hunks of cast iron. Of course the rest is a couple hundred pounds of steel to boot. It took 4 of us to load the stove in my truck.

    This ad here is great.

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  6. #4
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    I just got a call today from my ad. The caller said he had a 65,000 lb. piece of machinery. Couple of problems is that he lives about 300 miles away from me. Granted it would be a nice pay day but I’m not even sure I could move something that big. I didn’t ask what it is because all i was thinking was wow 65,000 lbs. lol. Going to call him back after the weekend to get more details. I figure if i can do it, there is a local scrap yard close by. Will let you guys know what happens with the deal.

  7. #5
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    I was actaully thinking about doing that. After the weekend I'm going to make some phone calls.

  8. #6
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    The Scrap Metal Services section here works, thanks SMF!!

    I think I've gotten a couple calls from here in the past but today I got one he specifically said he found me here and I was able to buy his vehicle from him. Just wanted to say thanks to the admin and let others know it is working!!

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  10. #7
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    Same deal here. I get a good few calls from both my town/city to many other citys and towns.

    Thing is the more places where you show up and you put your best foot will get a lot back in return.

    I for one...would like to hear the story on why the admin started this website...what had the light bulb pop on. That would be a good read.
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  12. #8
    BigRyan's Avatar
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    I can say with 100% honesty (because I use a Google Voice number for scrap ads, for tracking purposes) that the service section on this forum has produced over 100 calls for me over the course of the last year. It absolutely does work and is very much worth it! Those calls were ultimately worth thousands of extra dollars for me. Joining the scrap room to gain the ability to post a service ad is a surefire investment.

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  14. #9
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigRyan View Post
    I can say with 100% honesty (because I use a Google Voice number for scrap ads, for tracking purposes) that the service section on this forum has produced over 100 calls for me over the course of the last year. It absolutely does work and is very much worth it! Those calls were ultimately worth thousands of extra dollars for me. Joining the scrap room to gain the ability to post a service ad is a surefire investment.
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  15. #10
    rca987's Avatar
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    I have gotten many calls from the ad. Commercial and residential...I've even had a lady pull up her search on her phone while I was loading and sure enough, there was that familiar red color this forum has.
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  16. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I just had to add my 2 cents to this posting as I got a call yesterday and the guy delivered a "large" tv set. When I asked how he heard about me (always nice to know what's working) he stated that when he googled our county electronic recycling, that my ad from here came up right near the top (#2).

    I checked it for myself and it's nice to see your ad come up on the first page of google. This was my first call as far as I know, but after looking at how old my ad was, I modified it. Maybe this is a sign,,,,
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  17. #12
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    I've had a few inquiries lately regarding how to post here. To clarify, there are 2 ways you can advertise your scrap metal removal services here.

    1 - Scrap Room Membership subscription. Scrap Room members can post a thread in this section.

    2 - Scrap Metal Services Access subscription. This allows you to post a thread in this section but does not come with any additional perks.


    After payment your account will have permissions to post in the services section.

  18. #13
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    Good idea about the trailer park!
    Thanks for your time!

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  20. #14
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    That sounds like a good deal! Also, it sounds like it must be NICE ( having a restaurant call you like that!

    Thanks for your time!

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  22. #15
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    Bringing back an old thread but just had a call to pick up a broken washer. Come to find out that it was a distant friend that had forgotten that I scrapped. I asked how she found me and she had Googled "appliance recycling in Kosciusko County" and my ad came up right behind the county recycling ad, in about 5th place. It's still working. Don't get a lot of calls but every one helps.

  23. #16
    Shakey1's Avatar
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    Hi everyone, I subscribed to the forum within a day of finding it and getting so much information from it, so many thanks to all the members who contributed. I have been trying to find the suggestions for ads but for some reason I cannot find it or them. Can someone help a newbie on the site and guide me to them.

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