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  1. #1
    RWPink started this thread.
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    I am not a scrapper but am looking for Carnegie Steel and not much. Like Carnegie, my grandparents were Scottish immigrants. His story meant a lot to me and my family and I want my wedding band to be Carnegie Steel. Like the company, I want the symbol of my vows to be timeless and hardened with the material that built my hometown, Chicago. The wedding and my wife will be beautiful, I want my ring to represent where I come from. Could you help? I'd pay.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RWPink View Post
    I am not a scrapper but am looking for Carnegie Steel and not much. Like Carnegie, my grandparents were Scottish immigrants. His story meant a lot to me and my family and I want my wedding band to be Carnegie Steel. Like the company, I want the symbol of my vows to be timeless and hardened with the material that built my hometown, Chicago. The wedding and my wife will be beautiful, I want my ring to represent where I come from. Could you help? I'd pay.
    This is not what we do here, no ringmakers here.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  3. #3
    ChildhoodDream's Avatar
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    I think he wants some steel like old RR track or building beams that have Carnegie "written" on the metal.

    Must want a little chunk from a marked piece of such metal.

    I have a small piece of old rusted Carnegie marked RR track around the yard somewhere that I got at a farm auction years ago. People would use them for anvils, door stops and such.

  4. #4
    ChildhoodDream's Avatar
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    Found this in search. there is a forum member that collects Carnegie branded steel. I notice that the member was active back in March of this year.
    Might be a source for a small piece from branded steel.

    Rail road tracks

  5. #5
    RWPink started this thread.
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    That's it exactly. I have a foundry that will melt it down for me and a jeweler to size it, I just need the steel.

    Any help you can give is appreciated.

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