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  1. #1
    vamped400 started this thread.
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    No good metal in the woods- your opinion

    When I first started scrapping id go around on my fourwheeler and take piles of old dump sites and load them on my fourwheeler utility trailer 4x5 or something like that, or bring my two place snowmobile trailer. I always grabbed the small stuff, but now there is only the big stuff left only a truck and a trailer could get. Remember this is metal that has been sitting in the same place for 20-30 years or even more. What would your views be on going around with a truck and trailer, and taking the bigger stuff? or should I really get permission? I haven't got zip for metal in the past few weeks and now im starting to get "desperate". But there is easily 5-$600 worth of metal out in the woods and on the side of the roads in exeter

  2. #2
    Kris Kringle
    I say always get permission and if you cant find the Owners go to the Tax office and see who owns the land and contact them, On a Side note you have Access to a Truck and Trailer there is a big world out here where you can get metal yeah you may have to pay for some But that is what scrapping is all about. Don't let that Pile of stuff in the woods Stop you from from looking for other resources. Thats just my 2 cents.

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Ask the state/cops if they have any dump sites on gov land that they do not want. They may pay you to haul the trash out if you want the metal. Just ASK first and have a letter so when you off road and your trailer is loaded down with "trash" they dont think you are dumping it..but in fact you are removing it. I use to do that and get all kinds of things.

    I have been paid small amounts an was even able to burn it on site if there was no burn ban and I had all the permits needed.

    Just before you take a job know the amount of trash that is there..sometimes you can find our self over loaded and under paid. But is a good place to get calls over an over again.

    *I still do that from time to time but don't have as much time as I used to.*

  4. #4
    vamped400 started this thread.
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    Thanks guys. I found out who owns the land and ill be calling tomorrow. I have land owner map for exeter, but i just thought id ask and see what you guys thought. I actually will be getting my license in september so any metal i can get around here helps. This actually isnt a "dump pile" its just random metal in the woods. But I have came across quite a bit of dump piles, but just took the metal and left the rest. But good idea on calling the state police, but im pretty sure all the land around here is owned by individual people, that i know of, but it may be worth a shot.

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