Day #4 update
Got a later start than I was planning to today. Up half the night with a chest cold. Got down there and figured I would just load everything and take it to the yard on Monday. I had to be back for 5 for my son's football practice. That was the plan until I got a phone call from a lady who called me yesterday with a large load. I told her I couldn't do it until Monday. She sounded a little upset, so I said let me call you back in a few. Hung up the phone and remembered I needed the trailer for a 6AM
E-waste pick up Monday morning. Now I have to really change plans. Managed to get all but about 200 pounds (stuff is mixed and has pine needles, leaves, etc.) loaded. At this point, it is about 1215. I have an hour and a half to my buyer and a 2 hour ride home. That's if there is no traffic. Got to the buyer and unloaded. Hit some traffic, but still made it home with 10 minutes to spare. Went to football practice and then to the ladies house for a pickup. 6 appliances, 2 dehumidifiers, 5 push mowers, and some excerise equipment. Need to unload that in the AM and go back for a fridge, more exercise equipment, another push mower, 3 computers, printers, etc.
Any way, here are today's totals:
Ins AL 1121 pounds
Alarm (was a mix of stuff better than low grade) 97 pounds
Med THHN 170 pounds
Med TIN 13 pounds
Coax 6 pounds
Telco 4 pounds
Bare Bright 2 pounds
ST BX 40 pounds
AL BX 17 pounds
THHN 264 pounds
Romex 104 pounds
Ball park totals to date:
7000 pounds copper wire
2400 pounds aluminum