Originally Posted by
Well, I for one found this particular thread, while doing a search for pallidium. I also wanted to know where to find it in a compurter board. typed in Pallidium, this and one other thread showed up from the search, neither one telling anything at all about where it is, what to look for, or anything. Just one talking about someone shipping out comp. boards, and this one. I know I'm new here, but I've searched for a lot of things on here, some I've found, others I haven't, but it could be that that is the reason he asked. I myself have put in the work to find things, which is why you don't hear from me often, but, most times I come to dead ends, and end up looking elsewhere on the web because I don't want to be one of the "newbs" that gets eyes rolled at because I asked a question. I've been reading the forum for about 3 weeks, and have wanted to get into the discussions because everyone here seems like a pretty cool bunch of people, but have been leary just because it seems there are quite a few that hard on the new guys. I'm not tryin to start an argument, or cause any hostility, but I came on here trying to find ways of increasing my "know how" and my raising my bottom line, and yes, I have found quite a bit of useful info by accident, but the stuff I've tried to find out on purpose, well, it's like trying to find a copper fitting in the steel pile at my yard. I can understand why some of the guys come to the "veterans" and ask questions. When you have actually tried to find the answer yourself, and have run out of ideas, and finally ask someone, just to have them criticize you for doing so. Maybe I'm just gettin old, maybe I'm just from a different kind of place, but this isn't the forum it seemed to be. I thought it was a bunch of good 'ole steel burnin, copper strippin guys and gals. I think this will be my 4th (maybe 5th) and last post. Again, not tryin to be an a**, but just trying to bring out the other side of the story. There have been many things I've looked for on here, couldn't find, and wanted to ask so as not to throw away something that could be worth something, but I kept my questions to myself because of the verbal "hazing" i've seen the others get. As for my question on Pallidium, well, it doesn't seem so important after having typed this. You guys have a wealth of knowledge between you, and knowledge is something that is meant to be shared. I wish each and everyone on here luck in they're search of that "big load" I'll just go back to the mountain.