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  1. #1
    bluemeate started this thread.
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    what are great places to seek out metal in a densly populated area?

    I live in san jose.. densly populated but wide spread west coast city area
    small dense city areas and industry areas that I pass through often enough
    lots of large areas on spread out expressways, large shopping centers on every corner, and large blocks made of suburbs and 3story apartment/townhouse complexes
    -the scrap game here is all over, scrap guy on nearly every street in my neighborhood. every shop already has a scrap guy, most of what I get right now is stuff that i just stumble upon (not that i have much a network or anything)

    i travel to sunnyval/palo alto silicon valley area a lot to do furniture deliveries for the tech center who preferes living in these '3story apartment/townhouse complexes'
    1. would a lot of these tech guys be good sources for recyling computer parts? how should i approach them?
    2. whens best picking, whats proper picking at apartment complexes?

  2. #2
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    Sorta on the subject... But ss have an old guy who comes to my apartment complete every single day to pick. He usually comes in the day time, good light and I'm sure he gets less competition dumpster pickin in the middle of the day. But he is a regular now, many tenants greet him when the see him, some even begin nagging their cans and other recycle products apart from trash to make it easier for him. Seems like he really does good as far as cans go. Good luck!

  3. #3
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    With apartment complexes I tend to find the last few and first few days of a month are a good time for electronics and various metal. Also good to check throughout the month as old stuff even if working gets tossed due to space issues. In complexes the appliances are scarce.

  4. #4
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    I live in a very built up area and I find that flats (apartment blocks) are worth checking at least once a day fopr appliances and anywhere else that has a communal place for junk to go. People are always throwing stuff out.I've got a TV or Microwave every day this week by checking the same two or three spots over and over.

    I find that where I live the best places to pick appliances are the places that look like people don't give a crap about their homes or neighbourhoods. Dirty houses with crap in the street and garden. The nicer places are a struggle for me. Also, I just got an oven from the back of a Chinese Take Away. The back of food places, stores are good.

  5. #5
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    places for scrap

    Many mobile home parks provide a lot of scrap .There are usually a few appliance sitting amongst the dumpsters weekly.Try talking to management .they usually appreciate seeing the pile up removed,and will sometimes turn into a lead generator for you.

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  7. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Warsaw , Ind. In the heart of the lakes, and down the street from the hotel where Al Capone stayed.
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    would a lot of these tech guys be good sources for recyling computer parts? how should i approach them?
    A business card and a "meet and greet".(In other words, an introduction with an old fashioned hand shake). What are they going to say,, no,?
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 08-08-2011 at 09:15 PM.

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