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College towns and military bases

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  1. #1
    JunkyBusiness started this thread.
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    College towns and military bases

    My other half wants to move to a new town and we're deciding where to go...

    My question is for you guys - does anyone have experience in college towns and military base areas? How good do you do?

    I do OK in Texas but she wants to go further east and I don't want to move somewhere and be penny less

    SO what are you opinions?

  2. #2
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    my .02. why would you want to leave ther most economically sound state in the union. I know the weather isnt that great but. secoundly you are on the right track with military/ and school town. they are supported by the gov feeding them our money.

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Id say you won't have to worry about it. I am in the army and live in Georgia. It's pretty good due to ppl always leaving and coming in so a lot gets thrown out. That for a for on and off base. Just yesterday I had time to go around to 1 development in on post housing out of like 5 of them and got a grill, 2 computer monitors, a tv, a vacuum, a shampooer, a kids electric 4 wheeler and 2 fans in about 40min. It'll be even better once you and your wife makes friend's cause if they are military than the probably know someone with trash. Hope this helps.

  4. #4
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    I know a guy makes good money in a college town, he picks up the furniture the kids put on the curb,then sells it to the next bunch moving in.

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  6. #5
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    something to think about also is what type of trash regulations the area you move to will have. If you do a lot of trash hunting you will need to look into this. the area i currently live only has about 1/4 of the area that allows stuff to be left on the curb. That area is an unincorporated county area. The other areas all have automated trash and you can not leave anything on the ground. I have pdf maps ive saved that show incorporated vs unincorp areas, household income, trash nights, and maps i have altered to show gated vs not gated communities. i check all these out before i go to a new area and for me thats driving 15 minutes down the road so i would really look into it if i was going to move. just a thought.. you might not be a trash hunter

    college areas are definitely gold mines. kids just toss the stuff out at the end of the year but you will have lots of competition. maybe look for areas w/ several colleges close together. good luck!!

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