Craigslist really is a cool tool for us in the recycling biz but I am only going to use it for advertising from now on. I have responded to several free ads and every other on is a scam. To many low lifes out there to make it useful. I've had a few of my service ads flagged but I can make a few changes and repost those without much aggrevation. Watch yourselves folks!! If the ad doesn't have much detail and seems to good to be true stay away, it is a waste of your time. Even that doesn't always playout though, I responded to an add yesterday from a guy who had a trailer full of metal that he had to have hauled off because his truck was broke down and his wife wanted it gone ASAP, there was even pictures and a phone number. Turned out it was some teenager whose buddys thought it would be funny to have everyone in the neighborhood calling him. Anyway I'm done b#@chn. Just be watchful what you guys respond to.