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Storage Auctions - Page 3

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  1. #41
    Ticonderoga's Avatar
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    Thanked 88 Times in 38 Posts is a good place if the facility uses a real auctioneer. Most places in my area the store, district, regional manager does the auction. So you need to either call the places to see when they do auctions. Or you can check your local legal section EVERY DAY. Some places post the notice 2-3 times and others just once. So if you don't check that day you don't know about it.

  2. #42
    divapickers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    Storage auctions can be a great source of revenue and can produce some sweet finds....Before I started in e-cycling my wife and I did a lot of eBay and we attended many storage auctions. The best ones, at least for us, were in the small towns where there were few bidders. We bought one unit for $75 and right away sold the furniture inside for $150....We went on to find dozens of new in box Princess Barbie dolls ($50 each on eBay at that time) and new in box Cabbage Patch Kids ($100 each and up on eBay at that time). We made a killing. But not everyone is a homerun to be sure. Even the professional buyers will tell you that it is a fickle business to say the least.

    School auctions are my favorite haunt now. They sell a lot of good stuff at very low prices.
    No such thing as a cheap storage auction anymore, even in the small town. 3 years ago you could goto a storage auction an have 5 bidders on all the units. Done in a half an hour. Now, you have 300 people looking in the units and 10 guys bidding it up.
    You have to see something you like first, then start bidding. Don't forget to bring cash and your Visa.
    Good luck in that venture.
    Scott and Betty

  3. #43
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    I was so excited when I saw the first commercials for first Auction Hunters and then Storage Wars and then was really bummed out after watching an episode of each and realized just how staged and fake they were. I guess to me I've spent so much time at real auctions that seeing these obviously staged scenarios played out as 'reality' for people that generally don't know what the real thing is irritated me a lot.

    Wednesday night I was at an estate sale auction playing on my phone and half listening to the auctioneer sell junk I wasn't interested in when I was scared to death when the father sitting directly behind me had his 10 year old son bid for him by SCREAMING "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAPPPPPP" at the top of his lungs. OK, first time kinda cute (but not really). Tenth time, bid with your freaking card.

    American Pickers and Gold Rush Alaska were both in my rotation of favorite shows until I saw some things that definately did not make sense on each and after doing some research found out both were nearly 100% scripted for TV. Was pretty disappointed. Ah well. I still like watching Pawn Stars and American Restoration even though elements of them are staged too.

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  5. #44
    divapickers's Avatar
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    I couldn't agree with you more....
    I bought one unit full of furnature and boxes for $847.00 The kitchen table had graffiti all over it and the boxes were full of crafts from Micheals. Hard to beat $847.00 out of that unit.
    In our years, I have yet to see the "WOW Factor" in a locker. Don't get me wrong, we have made money and it's like xmas morning opening those boxes.
    Sometimes one mans junk is one mans junk...........
    Scott and Betty
    Diva Pickers

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