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  1. #21
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Hey, if you guys get a big operation or something that'll take a larger investment, go together on it and split it when your done,,,hmmm

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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Wish I didnt have to work yesterday I was going to hit that one too KZ. get any for your time?
    I was going for the misc stuff that wasn't in the crates. Folks were foucused on the crates and the guy that was opening them about 3 or 4 ahead of the one being sold, but every so often she would step away and sell the misc stuff that didn't have much compitition. I got some nice furniture for cheap and this antique desk for $10. Needs some TLC but the Shabby Chic crowd should like it. Has these sweet brass deer hoofs on the legs and other brass trim all around.
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Hey, if you guys get a big operation or something that'll take a larger investment, go together on it and split it when your done,,,hmmm
    That sounds exactly like the show Auction Hunters...>Two former competitors who decided to band together and buy the units for a better chance to get the good stuff. Not a bad idea actually. Two people might have more buying power.

  4. #24
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    Yeppers, Jarrod and Brandi are their own worst enemy during most of the auctions. They have passed up some great deals because of their bickering.

    Nonetheless, Storage Wars is a great show. I can't believe what they pay for some of those units though. Half the time it is just their egos getting in their way and they end up overpaying for something stupid.
    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Shows have really driven the prices up and have drawn the whole process out longer then it used to be with everyone needing to take a peek even if their not bidding. That being said, I still tune in. Went to one yesterday that was moving crates and misc leftovers...pretty reasonable prices for a change.

    I do agree, I have only seen them get 1 really good one and that was thanks to Darell selling it to them for $300 and then they made $7,000 for it.

    Some of the prices are out of this world if you ask me.
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  5. #25
    Ticonderoga's Avatar
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    Don't watch the shows and think that is what you are going to find in a storage locker. I came to this website looking for more ways to profit / break-even on lockers that I purchase. Types of lockers and the prices very greatly by area. For me I've only seen 3 "scrap metal" type lockers. Most stroage units have furniture, matress & boxspring, and a ton of cloths. Many of the units that will have a washer & dryer are so called "family" type units that go for $200+ in my area easy. So unless you make money from the other stuff your not going to get enough scrap metal. That being said, I have watched units with just a washer / dryer sell for under $50. Will let the veterans determine if that is a good value in scrap or not.

    A side note - some of the regulars that buy 4 and 5 units a week may not scrap. So if you get in good with them you may be able to pick up the busted appliances, electronics, and such to scrap. Saves them on dump fees.

  6. #26
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by computerscrapper View Post
    i love storage wars!!!! I tell you what though...that dave hester should be smacked!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    LMAO I get so tired of hearing that idiot....Why can't he just bid like everyone else?

  8. #28
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    [QUOTE=Ticonderoga;24620]Don't watch the shows and think that is what you are going to find in a storage locker. I came to this website looking for more ways to profit / break-even on lockers that I purchase. Types of lockers and the prices very greatly by area. For me I've only seen 3 "scrap metal" type lockers. Most stroage units have furniture, matress & boxspring, and a ton of cloths. Many of the units that will have a washer & dryer are so called "family" type units that go for $200+ in my area easy. So unless you make money from the other stuff your not going to get enough scrap metal. That being said, I have watched units with just a washer / dryer sell for under $50. Will let the veterans determine if that is a good value in scrap or not.

    There is no doubt that getting items like they find on the shows is a long shot to be sure. Here in Indiana it is rare for a storage unit to sell for more than $200 on a very good day. The guys on Auction Hunters even say that 80% of the units that they buy produce nothing but junk. If you are big into flea markets, swap meets or have a second hand store they can be a great way to build your inventory but from a scrap metal perspective they are hit and miss to say the least. Of course one never knows what will pop out of a packed full unit.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Not sure who told me this, whether it was a fellow scrapper that I know, or someone here, but on any account, I just found out about auctions.

    I didn't think that they let you see what is inside of them, but they do. You are allowed to look inside of them, see what is there, and if you like it, you bid on it.

    So my question is this, how many of you incorporate auctions in your scrapping business and are pleased with it, and how do you determine if it is worth bidding on or not?
    I was watching repeats of this show, "AUCTION HUNTERS" ,well before this was ever post! come on now!

    Are we that stupid or just me? Plain old BS
    Last edited by injunjoe; 09-26-2011 at 04:50 PM.
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  10. #30
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    I regress.

    If you meant that you seen the show and wanted to ask about it that would be cool but you act as if you never seen the show before that first post.

    I just don't get you! And I see where other members think there is more then one side!

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  12. #31
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    I was watching repeats of this show, "AUCTION HUNTERS" ,well before this was ever post! come on now!

    Are we that stupid or just me? Plain old BS
    And your point would be what, exactly? I was just flipping through the channels and came across "Storage Wars"

    You went to get all bent out of shape over me asking if anyone else had seen this particular show, go for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    I regress.

    If you meant that you seen the show and wanted to ask about it that would be cool but you act as if you never seen the show before that first post.

    I just don't get you! And I see where other members think there is more then one side!
    What crime is it that I never seen the show before? Really now, come on pal.

  13. #32
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    I still like you!

  14. #33
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    I still like you!
    lol Thanks Hobo.

  15. #34
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    Well dude I still like you too!

    But point being is you ask a question on the pretense that it is new to you and or us.

    I think one member gave you good advice in past threads

  16. #35
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Well dude I still like you too!

    But point being is you ask a question on the pretense that it is new to you and or us.

    I think one member gave you good advice in past threads
    If I ask a question, it is solely because I don't know the answer. Or like with the stainless steel grille thread of mine, it is because I am curious.

    Reason we all ask a question. If I never asked questions, I would truly be a know it all.

  17. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemi22! View Post
    I personally like auctions. I never went to a storage auctions but auctions themselves I love. I just started myself going to them but never been disappointed on them. For both auctions and storage auctions you can look on, type in your zip code and what radius you want to look and there is a lot of auctions pending where you are at. Most have pics or says what they are selling or part of it a few days before. Some don't know till an hour before but to me it never hurts to go look.
    Thanks Hemi for the info. I've wondered about storage auctions but never see ads for them so i always wondered how other folks knew/heard about them. I'd love to go to one just once and get to be able to say, ''YUUUUUP!!''

    That being said, unless one gets lucky and gets to bid on a unit full of computers or items with engines for example I don't think they'd be useful for scrappers.

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  19. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Thanks Hemi for the info. I've wondered about storage auctions but never see ads for them so i always wondered how other folks knew/heard about them. I'd love to go to one just once and get to be able to say, ''YUUUUUP!!''

    That being said, unless one gets lucky and gets to bid on a unit full of computers or items with engines for example I don't think they'd be useful for scrappers.
    Storage auctions can also be found under the legal section in your paper.

  20. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Thanks Hemi for the info. I've wondered about storage auctions but never see ads for them so i always wondered how other folks knew/heard about them. I'd love to go to one just once and get to be able to say, ''YUUUUUP!!''

    That being said, unless one gets lucky and gets to bid on a unit full of computers or items with engines for example I don't think they'd be useful for scrappers.
    Great point! Unless you found some killer goodies in there it would take many yard sales or a thrift shop to make any money on unpaid storage units! Think about it the "TV Show" has the guys hitting it rich all the time. Even the disclaimer reads that the show is a reenactment of RARE finds.

    Someone that does the fleas or owns a thrift shop may make money on this but a scrapper?

  21. #39
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    [QUOTE=newattitude;24723]Thanks Hemi for the info. I've wondered about storage auctions but never see ads for them so i always wondered how other folks knew/heard about them. I'd love to go to one just once and get to be able to say, ''YUUUUUP!!'' QUOTE]

    best site I know for finding auction in your area is

  22. #40
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    The best way to find scrap from storage lockers is look in the dumpster. I rent a couple of these and have pulled lots of scrap out of the trash, esp. at the end of the month.

    I looking in the dumpster one time and found about 50 lbs. of copper wire rolled up. That was nice.

    BTW, if you buy one of these and it's full of old car parts, you are screwing up royally if you sell them for scrap.

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