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Vacated House - Was this legal?

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  1. #1
    CageK started this thread.
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    Vacated House - Was this legal?

    Hey, SMF, today I was driving through an alley and noticed a dump next to the alley of vacuum cleaners, and fans, mixed with misc junk. I went to the door to knock and ask if I could have the garbage, but when I looked the door had "VACATED" written on it. So I figured I could take the scrap. When I tried two neighbors from a street away came out to tell me that the people had moved out and what I was doing was illegal. They were very nasty about it and said the police are gonna get me.

    I don't want to break laws, but this was a pile of garbage, laying about 3 feet from the alley of a vacated house... the vacuum cleaners were full of dirt, as was the rest.

    So am I legally able to take this garbage from a vacated house? I know the garbage wasn't necessarily on the street, but nobody owned the house and it was garbage.

    Was I in the wrong?

    Thanks, guys!

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    SOMEBODY, the bank or the city owns it.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  3. #3
    Rich's Avatar
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    I would make sure by talking with the property owner first. Just because it says vacated doesn't mean anything, someone owns the house. Maybe the bank owns it, maybe the city owns it but if the stuff is on someones property it's theft. Maybe it was cleaned out and someone is waiting for a scrap man to take the stuff away. Just bad karma to go grab stuff not on the street without talking to someone first.

  4. #4
    CageK started this thread.
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    Point taken. I figured that a bank owns it and they would just be paying someone to throw it out.

    The women said the vacuum cleaners had been out there for two years.

  5. #5
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    Yeah somebody does own it! You do, hey i wouldn't worry about those people next door they probably are just bitter because their neighbors got kicked out and they were probably drinking buddies or something. If they really wanted the stuff they would have taken it with them. This is a cold cold world and if you are going to let petty stuff like that bother you then its going to be tuff to make it. I just made $400 pure profit today and i have a good full time job but im not going to let anything or anyone stop me from making all the money i can make and i want you to do the same.
    Last edited by Ptscrapper; 09-21-2011 at 06:16 PM.

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  7. #6
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Take it from someone who does this, cleans out foreclosures all the time, and owns a re investment company.

    Inside, or next to a dumpster, is free for the taking, but what your describing, it wasn't in or directly next too. Therefore, I would find out how might own the property. What might appear junk to you, might not be to the owners.

    Neighbors like that, are always going to think what you do is illegal. Just ignore them,
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  8. #7
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Seeking legal advice on a scrappers forum to make your conscience feel better, because you feel guilty performing your duty to society as a scrap man.

    Your mincing a gray area, abandoned house, did you ever think that the vacated occupants may have left what your calling trash at the curb for the Salvation Army or Red Cross or other non profit to pick up.

    There's to many holes in your story, abandoned house does not give you salvage rights, on the other hand you have neighbors from one streets over telling you your a thief then another telling you the trash has been there 3 years.

    As a professional witness your a failure, I see much more of this type of trash on the scrapper forum I'm going to pull my membership.
    Last edited by gustavus; 09-21-2011 at 10:33 PM.

  9. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    but im not going to let anything or anyone stop me from making all the money i can make and i want you to do the same.
    I just wonder if you sleep good at nite??
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  10. #9
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    I just wonder if you sleep good at nite??
    Most thieves do sleep good at nite. It's not hard to figure out who gives scrappers a bad name on this forum.

    As a professional witness your a failure, I see much more of this type of trash on the scrapper forum I'm going to pull my membership.
    Gustavus, please hang in there with us. Your knowledge and skills are invaluable. I have learned much from your posts and hope to learn more. Thanks.

  11. #10
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Take it from someone who does this, cleans out foreclosures all the time, and owns a re investment company. Inside, or next to a dumpster, is free for the taking
    Word of caution...laws differ from state to state and city to city best to know what applies where YOU are. However, common sense, integrity and upstanding character is universal.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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  12. #11
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    If its normally by where the trash is then what is the difference. The EPA if they saw that would fine the bank or owner 100X more than the junk is worth to you. The City if they saw this would fine the owner 100X more than what the junk is worth to you.

    Do not ever let this scrap metal rot outside onto laws or anything. When rain water and weather do the deed to the equipment that BS gets in the drinking water. If its abandoned and no owner can be determined then take it you are doing everyone a favor..

    My advice being followed is only contingent upon your story adding up to what you say is going down. If you have to break and enter obviously you are a thief. If its in a designated trash area...I mean come on who is laying claim to that? Salvation army aint gonna use a vacuum to solve world hunger broskies.

  13. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post

    Gustavus, please hang in there with us. Your knowledge and skills are invaluable. I have learned much from your posts and hope to learn more. Thanks.
    yes, all 132 of them....
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  14. #13
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    I will not even take an item unless it is out on trash day or has a free sign on it , I have often knocked on doors to make sure , if there in even a slight amount of doubt leave it alone .

  15. #14
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Word of caution...laws differ from state to state and city to city best to know what applies where YOU are. However, common sense, integrity and upstanding character is universal.
    True, and you are correct, but seriously, if it is in the trash, or a dumpster, then it is free game.

    People only cuss and complain because they THINK you are throwing trash into it. When I used to do it, I tell them that I scrap metal and other useful things that can still be used, and in fact I am taking out of the dumpster. A lot of people are always good with that, but you are correct. Just because VA is like this, doesnt mean say NC or anywhere else is.

  16. #15
    ixcelr84scraps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post

    As a professional witness your a failure, I see much more of this type of trash on the scrapper forum I'm going to pull my membership.
    I see it everywhere, in everyday life, not just with scrappers and not only on this forum. Your posts are very helpful and I too am learning a great deal from reading your posts. I would also implore you to stay and help those that are honest and hard working. If not, good luck. BTW-As long as your living on this earth you will never find a perfect person, they don't exist. You may want to do a personal inventory Just saying. Hugzzzzzz.
    Last edited by ixcelr84scraps; 09-22-2011 at 08:48 AM.

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  18. #16
    CMHN's Avatar
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    That is a gray area in my opinion, if the items were set on the curb for the garbage man I would take them, but since it was basically in their yard it leads me to believe that the people were vacated and the landlord threw their belongings out on the lawn. Its possible that the owners will be back to get the items. Its a touchy situation and I would just walk away from it.
    CMHN Recycling

  19. #17
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    real simple rule: when in doubt..don't.

    Gus: there are all kinds of people in the world, some honest some not, some mostly honest etc. those people populate this forum, fortunately most here are in the mostly honest to honest catigory, we all know those who arnt by their own words. you cant change human nature. so my suggestion would be to disreguard the disshonest. not the whole membership. by leaving the site because of a few is sort of an insult to the rest of us. you are one of the majority here and a valuable asset to the rest of us, as most here are. as for the few. like the line says "ya can't fix stupid" just my .02

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  21. #18
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I am sure that no one would have cared if you took the stuff, but I am sure it could be illegal as well. To make sure, you would need to try and contact the bank or city if it is abandoned and see if you can get the stuff. The only problem with this is as you wait someone will take the stuff. Better to be safe than sorry...

  22. #19
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    "he who is without sin, cast the first stone"......I have taken stuff like that before that I KNEW I shouldn't be taking without asking and I got away with it. But I didn't feel good about MYSELF later. There is no gray area know by where the stuff is whether it's free for the taking or not. This is Philosophy 101. All this debating is useless because we didn't see the stuff or the placement, plus a hundred other variables....and it's late and I'm rambling...sorry.

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  24. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster Dee View Post
    "he who is without sin, cast the first stone"......I have taken stuff like that before that I KNEW I shouldn't be taking without asking and I got away with it. But I didn't feel good about MYSELF later. There is no gray area know by where the stuff is whether it's free for the taking or not. This is Philosophy 101. All this debating is useless because we didn't see the stuff or the placement, plus a hundred other variables....and it's late and I'm rambling...sorry.
    Might be rambling, but you are correct.

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