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If you've seen my other posts you'll know I'm an old car nut and it pains me to hear this. Do you by chance have any pictures of these places? I'd love to see them. Gull-wing Mercedes are hard to come by and worth a pretty penny as you probably already know seeing as how you tried to buy them. I live near a guy in a similar situation. He wants to sell everything except he's got so much money tied up in them that he wants too much for them. He's been on the show American Pickers (I was there when they filmed and got to meet Mike and Frank). He's real into antiques as well. I wonder how many old cars go to waste in situations like this. I've got pictures of most of the cars at his place on Flickr if anybody wants to see them.
You know that your getting old when you no longer see the beauty or possible dream calling out from a yard full of old derelicts. I have two guys near me with the same type of yards, holding out for that high price. My bet is they die before selling one car or truck.
Cherry pick the older complete cars if there are any and crush the rest, lots of good parts cars but someone has to pick a part then ship.I'm into old engines and tractors, sold lots of stuff on auction and would have to sell at a lose these days no one has any disposable income and those that do are holding.