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A scrappers night mare.

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    A scrappers night mare.

    down the road a mile from me is a 40 acre woods. in the middle of that 40 ac woods is a 20 acre junk yard started in the mid 20s and ended in the early 70s the thing is the guy could never make a living at it because he never wanted to sell any thing. We were sort of friends so I have been all through the yard. there are 2 buses full of copper radiaters flor to sealing. at least 2 gull wing 50s mercedies.. countless modle ts and As with 12 inch trees growing through the middle of them, and every thing up to the early 70s he died about 5 years ago driving a truck for a living because he just couldnt sell any of his treasures.

    after he passed I tried to buy those 2 mercedies, and some other stuff, PROBLEM PROBLEM PROBLEM. 2 SELFISH GREEDY SONS WHO HATE EACH OTHER SO MUCH NEITHER CAN AGREE ON HOW TO SELL THE YARD OR THE CARS AND WHO IS GOING TO GET WHAT. I relive this night mare every time I go by the place. I know you have all heard stories like this but I can verify this one is true. Also there is an old car dealership, chevy the guy died in 1958 and 20 yrs ago the cars were still on the lot with grass growing out of the hoods and fenders , his wife just couldnt bare to sell them. I have also seen this one.

  2. #2
    forwardlookguy's Avatar
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    If you've seen my other posts you'll know I'm an old car nut and it pains me to hear this. Do you by chance have any pictures of these places? I'd love to see them. Gull-wing Mercedes are hard to come by and worth a pretty penny as you probably already know seeing as how you tried to buy them. I live near a guy in a similar situation. He wants to sell everything except he's got so much money tied up in them that he wants too much for them. He's been on the show American Pickers (I was there when they filmed and got to meet Mike and Frank). He's real into antiques as well. I wonder how many old cars go to waste in situations like this. I've got pictures of most of the cars at his place on Flickr if anybody wants to see them.

  3. #3
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    no sry no pictures, the one here the 2 brothers are so fraid one is going to steal a nickle from the other you can no longer get near the place. the one in CA was I belive in salinas ca headed south out of town you go over an over pass the lot was on the left hand side. I know the guy died in 58 because the front line cars were 58 chevy stump pullers. lol 348 wedges.

  4. #4
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by forwardlookguy View Post
    If you've seen my other posts you'll know I'm an old car nut and it pains me to hear this. Do you by chance have any pictures of these places? I'd love to see them. Gull-wing Mercedes are hard to come by and worth a pretty penny as you probably already know seeing as how you tried to buy them. I live near a guy in a similar situation. He wants to sell everything except he's got so much money tied up in them that he wants too much for them. He's been on the show American Pickers (I was there when they filmed and got to meet Mike and Frank). He's real into antiques as well. I wonder how many old cars go to waste in situations like this. I've got pictures of most of the cars at his place on Flickr if anybody wants to see them.
    You know that your getting old when you no longer see the beauty or possible dream calling out from a yard full of old derelicts. I have two guys near me with the same type of yards, holding out for that high price. My bet is they die before selling one car or truck.

    Cherry pick the older complete cars if there are any and crush the rest, lots of good parts cars but someone has to pick a part then ship.I'm into old engines and tractors, sold lots of stuff on auction and would have to sell at a lose these days no one has any disposable income and those that do are holding.

  5. #5
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    I am an old Mercedes fanantic !!!! I have dealt with NOS Mercedes parts (along with used parts) for several years. In addition, I like finding a completed car and making it driveable again. I sold the blue fintail in this pic about a year ago:

  6. #6
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    You are right on medium light action spinning combo being the best. And you were also right about the line recommendations. I would actually prefer a mono or fluorocarbon over a braid. The braid has high visibility and small mouth bass can be line shy. I will start out with the reel of choice that would be very much suited for your fishing situation.
    You need to smoke another doobie, dude; AND get on the right page!
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  9. #8
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    darn anglers
    We're the renegades of Junk!

  10. #9
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    A few things to watch out for...
    Using braid on a rod with regular ceramic (or just wire - the worst) guides is that a braided line will cut through them like a saw. You need to make sure the guides have a high quality ceramic insert in order to stand up to the abuse the braided line puts on them.
    Also, some rods are designed for mono/fluoro and some are specifically designed for braid. Usually the slower action (bends through the entire rod) will handle braided line better. Braided line will put more stress on the rod since it doesn't stretch line mono/fluoro.
    Lol. Sorry - I used to work for a fishing rod building shop...

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  12. #10
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Thank you for the fishing report now for the weather over to ...........
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

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  14. #11
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    i had a spot like this in my area, mostly junk farm equipment. Father had passed away and left an acre or 2 full of junk. I bought a john deer combine from the son later to find out the daughter had also thought she had a stake in it and had sold it to another scrapper. I had it in writing before i paid him and had it hauled off. I later decided to split my profit with the other scrapper only seemed fair... we decided to back off for a month let things cool down then we worked together on the rest of his junk, split all the costs and profit down the middle paid the daughter and the son each the same everyone one was happy till all there junk was gone and the $$$ stopped flowing in...

  15. #12
    forwardlookguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daw_green_clean
    I am an old Mercedes fanantic !!!!
    This is for daw: It might make you cringe, maybe not. I don't like seeing them in this state but I like to document them before they are destroyed forever.

  16. #13
    ChinaRedneck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You need to smoke another doobie, dude; AND get on the right page!

    Dang the only thing I see wrong with this post is why the heck are you wasting your time fishin for small mouths. Mono stetches too much anyway.

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  18. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by forwardlookguy View Post
    This is for daw: It might make you cringe, maybe not. I don't like seeing them in this state but I like to document them before they are destroyed forever.
    At least they haven't been crushed yet --- I see a lot of good parts; however, the price must be "right" for it to be worthwhile.

  19. #15
    arnofarrell's Avatar
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    my wifes friends father has a place like this just a few miles north of me. He never wants to sell a thing. You could never tell there were a few dozen old cars sitting on his farm because the trees grew up into the yard. I don't know how he plans on ever selling or saving them. He should of sold them and atleast had some money and made some people happy. Now they are junk.

  20. #16
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    Near wHere olive there used to be a fort bird which sat in the driveway for years, far before my time until it rusted away. I believe the owner of the house died, may he rest in peace. I used to love driving by that car as a wee lad. Here's a blog post about it trying to find the article in local paper about it A Dip in the Inkwell: Ch-ch-ch-changes

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