Theres a lot of old freezing works (abattoirs?) & other big constructions like Hydropower stations & dairy plants in NZ.

When Copper hit NZ$6/Kg (US$2.50Lb?)
People were trying to find old pictures from newspapers etc & talking to the construction workers to find out where they had buried the scrap & rubbish during construction.

Some of those pits are huge, a lot of the buildings (power stations expressly) had copper roofs & generated loads of copper offcuts.
Even over time there will still be copper there, stainless metal & brass in the abattoirs, wiring, copper tubing from freezing & heating units.

Another thing was old bulldozers etc on farms, often they went into a hole just to fill it up, like uprooted trees, sinkholes & pits.

Do you actually get extra $$ for prewar iron because of it lack of radioactivity?