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Best idea to find computers/and other ewaste - Page 2

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  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Good advice!

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  3. #22
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    I have a thing going with Staples and a sell-it-again spot. They are constantly calling me
    Your Trash-My Cash
    Yours Truly, TheRecycler:

  4. #23
    Kochy's Avatar
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    Thought this should be bumped.
    Owner/Operator @ Stepside Recycling & Refurbishing co.

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  6. #24
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Good Bump Kochy, an reading back...I want to toss this out there, even tho it' doesn't deal with computers. In one of his posts, Dumbd mentions bookstores that buy back books. When I was in AZ we had a store there that would give you cash, or credit for books, movies, music, etc. It's similar to the way Staples will give you credit when you bring in print cartridges, cept they don't put a limit on it.

    I would gather up bunches of books an take them in, lots of times I would get store credit, which for me was just like I like to read. Any cash I didn't have to pay out, always helped. Might be something for you folks nowadays to consider if you have anything near you like that. I know I miss that kind of store here on my sandbar.

    Just another avenue to rid yourself of items, for at lest in store credit. Dunno if that'll help anyone, but lest it's out there.

    I think the name of the store I used was Bookmans...maybe Hobo will see this an chime in as he's in Tucson where I was at the time.

    Sirscrapalot - Reading...the cheapest vacation you'll ever take. - me.

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  8. #25
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    Excellent idea regarding the thrift stores, there's about 100 of them here on the Island.

    In terms of computer techs (myself included) are notorious hoarders! Fortunately, I've overcome my hoarding and decided to sell it as scrap since I don't need to stock 200 power supplies, pounds of functioning RAM, etc.

    It's great when you have an ample supply of computers to work on, but when they run out you're always looking for more. I'm usually able to talk my customers into recycling there old ones with us after we do a data transfer to their new computer.

  9. #26
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    along with the CL ads check Facebook most towns or cities even states have garage sale facebook groups post an ad on the garage sale groups saying you will take any electronics working or not and people that are trying to sell the computers i message them saying if they dont sell before they throw them out ill pay them like $2 to take some stuff of their hands this has worked on many occasions

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