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  1. #1
    metaljacket started this thread.
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    Best idea to find computers/and other ewaste

    As I was driving around today I was thinking that it might be a good idea to share some of our best ideas on finding computers,servers etc. This might be considerable help to those interested.

    I just set up an arrangement with a thrift that will give me all there electronic waste. There policy in the past has been to take only working computers etc. I now have them set up to take non-working computers and I will make a donation to the non-profit for each tower. It will take some time to get the word out but I have picked up a # of printers, cords, and other metal related items by just being there on a regular basis. I am going to try to also set up something on non-working appliances where we will go and pick up as they only want working appliances.

    Other ideas I am trying to utilize are calling on computer techs. Just about every business of any size has some arrangement with a computer techinician. No telling how many computers I turned it to our tech person at the business I was in over the years and just told him to destroy the hard drive. My brother worked at a mfg. business that made thresholds and was there inside maintenance foreman and he told me when they changed out computers that they though a trailer load in the dumpster.

    Another idea is just simply to walk in and call on businesses, independent and private schools, and larger churches.

    It would also be interesting to find if there is an effective way to reach individuals directly. No telling how many computers are sitting in attics, garages, barns etc.

    Final idea is to call on computer service firms directly to see what if any waste they generate.

    What has been your best source and how did it come about? Any ideas you can share?

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  3. #2
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    I have to say another member(no I don't remember which one) suggested Craig's List. His/her idea is to go to the computer section and put the word "parts" in the search engine. I have been doing this for a while. It worked just once so far. I got 36 towers at $4 each. So for me just another way to look for ewaste.

    I think you will succeed with your current techniques. Its similar to a commerical/industrial salesman's way to go after business. I was a saleman many years, ah decades ago. Set up a regular "sales" route and stick with it. My only draw back is without help I am restricted on just how much I can do on my own. I look forward to others imput. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
    metaljacket started this thread.
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    Thanks for the heads up. That's a good idea. I know it's like any other sales business in that it is a numbers game. However I like new ideas and of hearing of the success of others. I also think there is a bit of educating the customer so as to get repeat business. I would be interested in how folks find larger amounts on a fairly regular basis and hope there are those willing to share some of their success stories.

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  7. #4
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    thanks to you both for those great ideas. Keep thinking while you're driving around MJ !!

  8. #5
    jestrad4 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    call craigslist adds under computer services and any other business services.
    You eliminate driving around and waste gas.

  9. #6
    kcscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    In post want ads on CL sometimes. But my dad works at a paper recycling Place but some sometimes they get computers in bulk that's when my dad gives me a call because they are just going to put them in the land fill

  10. #7
    Ace is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Well thought out plan metaljacket!

  11. #8
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    Thrift store is the #1 place I've found computers , Besides driving around on recycle day before the truck.

    The "Salvation Army" s nearby pretty much have their scrap "locked-down" (already have trucks and procedures) (waste of time checking, but worth a try)...
    The little thrift stores I think get the "run-off" from the big ones. The one on my "route" has some stupid procedure where they put a date on the price tag, and if it doesn't sell in about 2 weeks they toss it...I've found MUCH brass, aluminum, and even silver in their dumpster (clean dumpster with just items, not really trash stuff)...At first they told me to come by when open,
    (so they could make sure what I was taking) THEN they trust me not to take donations (their biggest worry) they said it would be a Liability IF I got hurt (at that point I "fibbed" little and said I "had medicaid so why would I need them IF I got hurt?")

    There's a lot of broken glass, etc. in thrift-store dumpsters, plus one day I saw some nice metal so I actually jumped in(honestly VERY rare to need to do ) anyway the worked tossed a chair in and as "inevitable" hit me in the head and back...I played it off.

    I'd like to open a thrift store some day honestly.
    My ideas are: -everything is donated so ANY sale is profit. Only shelving is needed, probably fire permit, and basic insurance.
    -The workers are from shelters, rehabs or work release(?).
    -There would not only be a ton of scrap,
    It could double (triple or quadruple) in uses since there could be an area in back cordoned off to leave "recycleables" working or not drop off.
    -There could be a "soup kitchen" set-up or food distribution (extra for ME).
    -There could be "AA" meetings after hours , and also perhaps interdenominational Bible study groups (run by volunteers)...
    Donations towards rent and lighting/ coffee etc.
    -On top of that it all is a "tax-umbrella" too...Hmmm sort of a "Dem" idea I guess but for the one's who drive mercedes and live rich! (dang, can't find emoticons on "quick reply")

    I've even told the owner where I take scrap (since I thought of quiting one day) ...they weren't interested. It's as if they don't want their employees to know about scrap (fear of theft???, IDK)

    There's even a book store on my way to stepson's place which buys practically ANY books I get from there!!!
    Honestly there's been days I make over $50 or $60 + from this thrift store, NOT even selling on CL yet.

    My main scrapyard only buys e-scrap in bulk I get the wiring or motors out, scrap the case as steel is all . Any suggestions to obtain more out than that?
    EDIT: IMO , It's "this is business" and I wouldn't bother making any donations...they get SO many they toss them...think just business.
    Last edited by DumbD; 12-20-2011 at 09:58 AM.

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  13. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    My main scrapyard only buys e-scrap in bulk I get the wiring or motors out, scrap the case as steel is all . Any suggestions to obtain more out than that?
    So what was the question again??

    My line on getting computer equip. is C.L. and 2 trash companies that sort them out before they go to the landfill.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  14. #10
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    I've been toying with the idea of setting up next to the access road to the landfill with a sign that says " free electronic waste drop-off". Since the landfill charges people to take stuff . I think the property is publically owned, not a private corp. I wonder if they'd let me do it or run me off.
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  16. #11
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    I've been toying with the idea of setting up next to the access road to the landfill with a sign that says " free electronic waste drop-off". Since the landfill charges people to take stuff . I think the property is publically owned, not a private corp. I wonder if they'd let me do it or run me off.
    Call them and ask.

    I know the landfil about 20 minutes away, my uncle and his friend when they used to scrap, would walk up to people, and ask if they needed help and in exchange they keep what they wanted. People normally always said yes. SO they help throw the junk off and keep all the metal.

    They made like 2 to 300 per day I think is what they said.
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  18. #12
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    So what was the question again??

    My line on getting computer equip. is C.L. and 2 trash companies that sort them out before they go to the landfill.
    Do you pay the trash companies?

  19. #13
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Yes I talked to them and gave them a price sheet of what we buy and how much. They make a little extra for the Christmas party for the employees and it keeps them compliant for the state, and saves room in their trucks at landfill time. Kind of a win-win all the way around.

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  21. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Yes I talked to them and gave them a price sheet of what we buy and how much. They make a little extra for the Christmas party for the employees and it keeps them compliant for the state, and saves room in their trucks at landfill time. Kind of a win-win all the way around.
    Are you willing to share your price sheet amounts?

  22. #15
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    This is my small sheet, I have a larger, more detailed sheet for the computer stores,etc. Mind you, some of the computers look like a pretzel as they come out of the back of the truck where the clamp is. Doesn't matter to me as I'm scrapping them anyway. Had one last week that I had to finish opening it up with a crowbar,,,

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  24. #16
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    i send out post cards to all computer repair shops, it shops, cell phone shops, schools, call centers, telemarketing companies, large office buildings and any other places that catch my interest. I ordered through vista print and send out here and there as time and money allows

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  26. #17
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DumbD View Post
    Thrift store is the #1 place I've found computers , Besides driving around on recycle day before the truck.

    The "Salvation Army" s nearby pretty much have their scrap "locked-down" (already have trucks and procedures) (waste of time checking, but worth a try)...
    The little thrift stores I think get the "run-off" from the big ones. The one on my "route" has some stupid procedure where they put a date on the price tag, and if it doesn't sell in about 2 weeks they toss it...I've found MUCH brass, aluminum, and even silver in their dumpster (clean dumpster with just items, not really trash stuff)...At first they told me to come by when open,
    (so they could make sure what I was taking) THEN they trust me not to take donations (their biggest worry) they said it would be a Liability IF I got hurt (at that point I "fibbed" little and said I "had medicaid so why would I need them IF I got hurt?")

    There's a lot of broken glass, etc. in thrift-store dumpsters, plus one day I saw some nice metal so I actually jumped in(honestly VERY rare to need to do ) anyway the worked tossed a chair in and as "inevitable" hit me in the head and back...I played it off.

    I'd like to open a thrift store some day honestly.
    My ideas are: -everything is donated so ANY sale is profit. Only shelving is needed, probably fire permit, and basic insurance.
    -The workers are from shelters, rehabs or work release(?).
    -There would not only be a ton of scrap,
    It could double (triple or quadruple) in uses since there could be an area in back cordoned off to leave "recycleables" working or not drop off.
    -There could be a "soup kitchen" set-up or food distribution (extra for ME).
    -There could be "AA" meetings after hours , and also perhaps interdenominational Bible study groups (run by volunteers)...
    Donations towards rent and lighting/ coffee etc.
    -On top of that it all is a "tax-umbrella" too...Hmmm sort of a "Dem" idea I guess but for the one's who drive mercedes and live rich! (dang, can't find emoticons on "quick reply")

    I've even told the owner where I take scrap (since I thought of quiting one day) ...they weren't interested. It's as if they don't want their employees to know about scrap (fear of theft???, IDK)

    There's even a book store on my way to stepson's place which buys practically ANY books I get from there!!!
    Honestly there's been days I make over $50 or $60 + from this thrift store, NOT even selling on CL yet.

    My main scrapyard only buys e-scrap in bulk I get the wiring or motors out, scrap the case as steel is all . Any suggestions to obtain more out than that?
    EDIT: IMO , It's "this is business" and I wouldn't bother making any donations...they get SO many they toss them...think just business.

    Just so i am clear on this.

    You get things for free from a thrift/charity store then re-sell them for a profit Yes?

    How many 'donations' do you think you would get when you are not a charity, or community based group running this store??

    I think it would be nice of you to make a donation back to the store for letting you take the stuff. Good Karma too
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  27. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torker Man View Post

    Just so i am clear on this.

    You get things for free from a thrift/charity store then re-sell them for a profit Yes?

    How many 'donations' do you think you would get when you are not a charity, or community based group running this store??

    I think it would be nice of you to make a donation back to the store for letting you take the stuff. Good Karma too
    To Clarify: I am doing them a service because when their dumpster is too full (usually full of decent DONATIONS they simply don't have room for), the trash truck WON'T pick it up. (I've seen it a few times, that's the point they started thanking me).

    Also their pick up won't take furniture (people dump there after hours) , so anything metal and large they NEED removed.

    Also besides two of the managers and owner who know me, the turn around rate on employees is such those don't know me ,which gets annoying because by the time they learn to leave me stuff on the opposite side of donations (I nEVER touch) there are different employees by really the best donations I could do would be to bring them water, sodas,
    Maybe find out when lunch is and order them a pizza, or occasionally I bring them a bicycle and make sure they know it's from me, for the store (or employee IF they can use it).

    Besides that I've actually given the owner a business card from my scrap-yard I deal with.
    Told them Brass is worth 1.70/lb. there.
    Given them the # name of book store that buys books, explained power cords are worth $1/lb.
    ...Nope they keep tossing large brass, never remove power cords, tossing aluminum stuff etc., etc.
    Obviously they could care less besides the fact I am doing THEM a service.
    So No besides sodas, water, MAYBE pizza occasionally, and a bicycle or two,
    I am simply doing business like them. they don't give me any "donations" besides tolerance of me there, and the fact I clean up the lot ("KARMA"), and am only permitted before or after hours)...Really it's just another 15min. -1hour (daily) stop along my route I've been building.

  28. #19
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    Bump. I thought this should be bumped for the good knowledge in it.

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  30. #20
    badkarma506 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I've had great luck walking in to computer shops with donuts and a price sheet on top. I have several thrift stores that I pick up at. goodwill outlets. and fab shops that have been great customers for years. but each requires a different approach and it is all customer service selling yourself as a benefit to their business.
    govt auctions. I recently bought a lot from the USDA that was located out in the middle of nowhere. the scrap value was about 5 times what I paid for the lot. the only downside is the hoops to jump through to get set up.

    state surplus, auctions and cash sales
    military surplus
    storage auctions. don't waste your time bidding on the whole units unless you see enough scrap to make it worth wile, instead buy the scrap from the person who bought the unit. or offer to haul it off for free.

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