Thrift store is the #1 place I've found computers , Besides driving around on recycle day before the truck.
The "Salvation Army" s nearby pretty much have their scrap "locked-down" (already have trucks and procedures) (waste of time checking, but worth a try)...
The little thrift stores I think get the "run-off" from the big ones. The one on my "route" has some stupid procedure where they put a date on the price tag, and if it doesn't sell in about 2 weeks they toss it...I've found MUCH brass, aluminum, and even silver in their dumpster (clean dumpster with just items, not really trash stuff)...At first they told me to come by when open,
(so they could make sure what I was taking) THEN they trust me not to take donations (their biggest worry) they said it would be a Liability IF I got hurt (at that point I "fibbed" little and said I "had medicaid so why would I need them IF I got hurt?")
There's a lot of broken glass, etc. in thrift-store dumpsters, plus one day I saw some nice metal so I actually jumped in(honestly VERY rare to need to do ) anyway the worked tossed a chair in and as "inevitable" hit me in the head and back...I played it off.
I'd like to open a thrift store some day honestly.
My ideas are: -everything is donated so ANY sale is profit. Only shelving is needed, probably fire permit, and basic insurance.
-The workers are from shelters, rehabs or work release(?).
-There would not only be a ton of scrap,
It could double (triple or quadruple) in uses since there could be an area in back cordoned off to leave "recycleables" working or not drop off.
-There could be a "soup kitchen" set-up or food distribution (extra for ME).
-There could be "AA" meetings after hours , and also perhaps interdenominational Bible study groups (run by volunteers)...
Donations towards rent and lighting/ coffee etc.
-On top of that it all is a "tax-umbrella" too...Hmmm sort of a "Dem" idea I guess but for the one's who drive mercedes and live rich! (dang, can't find emoticons on "quick reply")
I've even told the owner where I take scrap (since I thought of quiting one day) ...they weren't interested. It's as if they don't want their employees to know about scrap (fear of theft???, IDK)
There's even a book store on my way to stepson's place which buys practically ANY books I get from there!!!
Honestly there's been days I make over $50 or $60 + from this thrift store, NOT even selling on CL yet.
My main scrapyard only buys
e-scrap in bulk I get the wiring or motors out, scrap the case as steel is all . Any suggestions to obtain more out than that?
EDIT: IMO , It's "this is business" and I wouldn't bother making any donations...they get SO many they toss them...think just business.