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  1. #1
    miked started this thread.
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    Kmart and Sears to close 100+ stores

    So Kmart and Sears had a very bad Christmas season. The news came out the day after Christmas so I expect the decison to close stores was made months ago.

    As others on the forum have stated there's scrap in store closings. My question is how do we position our selves to make some money?

    I do feel sorry for the employees and stock holders but the management is terrible. If you have been in a Kmart recently I think you would agree. But someone will get the leftovers may as well be us. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  3. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Not surprised. I've boycotted Sears since 1981 due to ineptness and poor customer relations. More than one incident.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  5. #3
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    there are large contracting companies who specialise in modification and dismanteling of stores perticularly mall stores. I would suggest trying to find out who has the contract. then get real buddy buddy with the superintendant in charge of a particular store. if you try to contact corporate any thing ya better be worth at least a million. or more.
    just sayin.

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  7. #4
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Mike I must agree with you on the bad management. I go to Sears to buy garage door openers all the time and every time I walk in the door there are three or four clerks standing around doing nothing. There pushy sales people run more sale off then they make! I have bought hundreds of openers from the same store over the years and every time they try to sell me the extended warranty and ask if I need it instauled. They can see right on the screen I buy one or two a month.

    As far as scrapping from this I think one would have to bid and show insurance and such. I also think permission would have to come from the corporate level.

    I hope they don't close my local Sears or Kmart. Kmart should be renamed as Clearancemart, most everything is on clearance all the time. But Kmart is Wally Worlds only competition any more around these parts.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 12-30-2011 at 02:08 PM.
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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  9. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    It might be tough to get in with some of the national stores and sometimes just being in the right place at the right time, similar to the appliance deal GreenTruck got with Ultimate Electronics. Many of the auctions I go to are smaller businesses that have been seized because they owe some sort of tax to either the city, count or state. Now I'm looking mostly to resell but get stuff below scrap prices sometimes so I know at least i will make something. Some auctions are better then others but most things sell below retail so there is some meat on the bone. And as stated above, I feel for the people that lost their business, but the stuff is for sale, someone is going to buy it.
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  11. #6
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    Usually when a major store closes they do the following first they ship everything worth anything to other stores major appliances tvs, lawn equipment, etc that doesn't sell before they have there sale. Then they fire sale everything else firsts its 20 percent off, then 40 then 50 you get what I am saying. Till finally everything is sold and the store shelves are bare. Then they sell the shelving and whats left over the contractor taking apart the shelving will scrap. I see a guy in the yard all the time that works with companies selling shelving and pallet racking. Its all he does for a living and he makes a good living doing it. I always see him pulling trailers stacked with shelving and pallet racking and whenever good shelving or pallet racking comes in the yard they always saves it for him and he says if he wants it or not. If he wants it he pays a little over scrap price for it if not back into the pile it goes. I also believe they already have national contracts in place with companies that specialize in big box store closures. Good Luck though and hey you never know a phone call never hurts even if they say no at least you tried.

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  13. #7
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    Sears is nothing more but a joke..truly is.

    Anytime I go there, and look at their appliances or electronics, you have 5 to 8 employees just talking to one another and not coming up to you and saying "how may I help you today sir?"

    I used to think that they got paid on commissions alone, but now I see it is a base/hourly wage and commissions (maybe).

    I went in there one time, and stood in the same little area for dang near 30 minutes. Was in eye contact of like 5 associates.

    We wanted to buy a new tv. I got tired of waiting and our 2 daughters got tired and hungry. I finally spoke up real loud and said "babe, lets go, I guess this place doesn't want my money" we started walking away, one of the associates came up and said "can I help you sir" and I looked at him and said "You could have 31 minutes ago, but since I wasn't important enough for you to waste a minute on, then you are no longer important for me to spend my money here" and walked.

    I have always loved walmart better...that and Best Buy.
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  15. #8
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    Now getting back to business at hand.

    I have done 2 store liquidations/closeouts as of date, and they have been from the supers seeing my ads on craigslist and contacting me.

    First one I ever did, the guy contacted me up...a Rite Aide I believe was closing down. Some pharmacy is all I remember. Anyways, he tells me that he has a TON of shelving, and some other metal stuff. I told him that I could be there in less than 2 hours (about 45 minutes away) with 2 trucks and trailers. He said, that was cool.

    Called up a buddy and asked him if he like to make some cash. We went and loaded to the brim both of our trucks and trailers. Split everything 50/50. I think we both walked away with like $250 to $300. However, I ended up with more, because I had to go back the next day for a LOT more stuff.

    Before I got ready to leave...the super says "I forgot, we have some stuff up stairs that you might like to have as well. Went up stairs, and my smile was so big, it was unreal. Tons of metal, copper wiring, you name it. Luckily for us, they had a conveyor belt that went from the upstairs downstairs to the loading dock.

    What I would do, is go by one of the stores that you know is closing down. Ask for a supervisor. Let him/her know what you are doing, and ask who you need to speak to about hauling off all their metal/wire/copper whatever for free (or a price).

    For me, both guys never asked for insurance or anything. Just pointed to stuff, and told me to have fun!

  16. #9
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Mike I must agree with you on the bad management. I go to Sears to buy garage door openers all the time and every time I walk in the door there are three or four clerks standing around doing nothing. There pushy sales people run more sale off then they make! I have bought hundreds of openers from the same store over the years and every time they try to sell me the extended warranty and ask if I need it instauled. They can see right on the screen I buy one or two a month.

    As far as scrapping from this I think one would have to bid and show insurance and such. I also think permission would have to come from the corporate level.

    I hope they don't close my local Sears or Kmart. Kmart should be renamed as Clearancemart, most everything is on clearance all the time. But Kmart is Wally Worlds only competition any more around these parts.
    Sorry about the off topic question here, but this has really got my curiosity up here. May I ask what do you do with all these garage door openers?

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  18. #10
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  19. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    Sorry about the off topic question here, but this has really got my curiosity up here. May I ask what do you do with all these garage door openers?
    I had a door company for about 15 years. I closed down but I still have the same phone number, so the many happy customers still call me! Between Doors and AC I ended up becoming interested in scrapping! That's the story.

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  21. #12
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    Yea, those door spring add up to some good weight. I cleaned up a guys back yard, he had them just laying everywhere along with the bolts. I'll bet I picked up about 20 lb of nuts and bolts. I guess he didn't want to mow the yard. lol

  22. #13
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Yea, those door spring add up to some good weight. I cleaned up a guys back yard, he had them just laying everywhere along with the bolts. I'll bet I picked up about 20 lb of nuts and bolts. I guess he didn't want to mow the yard. lol
    Someone told me the door springs can be used on horse floats, where they need the big door to drop down & become a drawbridge/ramp for getting the horse outta the trailer.

    The spring is put in pretensioned & compensates for the weight of the big door.

    I haven't actually sold one or checked it out yet, but I do have one put aside, just in case its true.

  23. #14
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    Someone told me the door springs can be used on horse floats, where they need the big door to drop down & become a drawbridge/ramp for getting the horse outta the trailer.

    The spring is put in pretensioned & compensates for the weight of the big door.

    I haven't actually sold one or checked it out yet, but I do have one put aside, just in case its true.
    I know we are off topic here but I think I should give some words of advice here on the spring subject for people reading this thread.

    First and foremost these springs are no joke! They can kill you! Winding springs with the wrong tools can get you broken fingers or dead and any where in between!

    Eesakiwi you are correct you can use the same idea of counter balancing a door or a tailgate. The type of spring for a drop gate would be a torsion spring.
    With a garage door the door weighs less and less as it goes up as the panels fall back onto the horizontal track. A drop gate would remain the same weight as it drops so for each application requires different drums for the cables. Springs are rated at foot pounds per turn. There is more math involved to these springs then one may expect.

    Not only are the springs very dangerous to handle by untrained workers they are also rated for a set amount of cycles! Most doors have 2 springs, when one breaks it is best to replace both as they have cycled the same number of times and there life is about up! So when people find a spring that is not broken they think it is a good spring but really that spring is near the end of it's usable life. Trust me you don't want to be winding (preload) a spring and have it break on you!

    Just think of the spring in a lighter. When you take the wheel off the flint the flint and spring flies across the room. Now think about a spring that is 32" long with a 0.250" gauge wire at 2" ID.

    Just thought I should warn folks of the dangers!
    Last edited by injunjoe; 01-04-2012 at 02:37 AM.

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  25. #15
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    haha, they closed a k-mart in jacksonville, they were having a liquidation sale, manager let me take a bunch of shelving and i went through the construction dumpster when they were demolishing the building. was about 800+- pounds of steel

  26. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by badewolf View Post
    haha, they closed a k-mart in jacksonville, they were having a liquidation sale, manager let me take a bunch of shelving and i went through the construction dumpster when they were demolishing the building. was about 800+- pounds of steel
    Good deal ! I would have thought they would be worried of people getting hurt and not allow that.

    If our local Kmart closes I can just picture 100 scrap trucks all around the place.

  27. #17
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    me and my crew "scrap" commercial stores as end users and special case situations. I use to just buy up industrial equipment from closing factories when I got a call from a friend of mine who had sad news about the pet store he worked at was closing. he called to ask about having the store safe removed for second floor in the back office. piece of cake! when I got there and took a look they actually built the office around the safe. chopity chop chop.....
    they also had a 100 fish tank pumping station I asked are you selling that? tony (the equipment liquidator) said he is having a real hard time. i suggested i buy it for scrap he said "you can do that". that is when i told him "i am a scrapper". he jumped at the opportunity to have a (despite from what i wear in my video's) clean cut business oriented professional removing any and all scrap from the store. so i bought the machine for $123.52 and in 3 days had it cut up into pieces on location, removed all the racks into a scrap dumpster (provided by a credible scrap yard) removed and sold the safe, and all the S.S. grooming tables. and.... long list. there is certainly an unwritten rule about "professional curtsy" where on a PERSONAL level giving "gifts" to the liquidators of no fixed amount to show "appreciation" usually gets you at the front of those 100 scrappers waiting outside. and by the way I have been the end user on every single liquidation from that consultant since. the bottom feeders still come around in their grubs but they usually go home empty handed.

    what was the topic again?

    oh yeah. stores closing... my point... dress nice.... drive a better then most truck.... have a plan before entering the store..... know your limitations and capabilities... and do what you say you are going to do.

    and offer personal "kick backs" if you use gift certificated they are a tax right off.

    - Jack The Scrapper

    it was it was easy for me at first because a pet store

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  29. #18
    miked started this thread.
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    Its good to hear from someone who has some experience. Hopefully some of our members can take advantage of your experience. Thank you for sharing, Mike.

  30. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    Not surprised. I've boycotted Sears since 1981 due to ineptness and poor customer relations. More than one incident.
    its all mick's fault be cause of his single act of boycotting hundreds of stores are now closing.

    lol that just sounds so funny to me

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    Are you saying he personally put thousands of people out of work???
    Obama is not gonna like that,,,

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