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  1. #1
    Pike1990 started this thread.
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    Best spot to scrap iron, copper and aluminum

    I love the outdoors and riding my 4 wheeler. I am currently on a year round hunting lease in Texas. I look for leases that have an old dump site or a canyon type of wash that farmers have used for years. I get on the lease for around 1000 a year and talk to the owner about getting the green light on picking through his trash. I take my son hunting and we will usually load a ton on my trailer and truck to take back with us. It pays for my gas and lease plus we get to have fun. Currently, I am sitting on an old creek, 100 yards long, full of ladders, rusty pipe, old barbed wire and batteries. We just pull out what we can and the owner is cool with it. Lots of old cast iron sinks that weigh 60 plus pounds and dead cars and tractors. Once I pick it clean, I will start looking for a new lease.
    Good luck!

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pike1990 View Post
    I love the outdoors and riding my 4 wheeler. I am currently on a year round hunting lease in Texas. I look for leases that have an old dump site or a canyon type of wash that farmers have used for years. I get on the lease for around 1000 a year and talk to the owner about getting the green light on picking through his trash. I take my son hunting and we will usually load a ton on my trailer and truck to take back with us. It pays for my gas and lease plus we get to have fun. Currently, I am sitting on an old creek, 100 yards long, full of ladders, rusty pipe, old barbed wire and batteries. We just pull out what we can and the owner is cool with it. Lots of old cast iron sinks that weigh 60 plus pounds and dead cars and tractors. Once I pick it clean, I will start looking for a new lease.
    Good luck!
    Wish they had that kind of setup out here, that sounds great!

  4. #3
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pike1990 View Post
    I love the outdoors and riding my 4 wheeler. I am currently on a year round hunting lease in Texas. I look for leases that have an old dump site or a canyon type of wash that farmers have used for years. I get on the lease for around 1000 a year and talk to the owner about getting the green light on picking through his trash. I take my son hunting and we will usually load a ton on my trailer and truck to take back with us. It pays for my gas and lease plus we get to have fun. Currently, I am sitting on an old creek, 100 yards long, full of ladders, rusty pipe, old barbed wire and batteries. We just pull out what we can and the owner is cool with it. Lots of old cast iron sinks that weigh 60 plus pounds and dead cars and tractors. Once I pick it clean, I will start looking for a new lease.
    Good luck!
    1. How did you start doing that..
    2. How do you know anything is even there? Meaning do you scout it before you get on the lease, or do you just take a chance with it?
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  5. #4
    Pike1990 started this thread.
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    I have found most of my year round leases on Craigslist. Most owners will let you go check out the leases and I will line up about three or four to visit. I ride my 4 wheeler around and look for old washes and check out the hunting habitat. You would be surprised at how many old farms in west Texas just dump their trash to controle erosion. If it looks good I let the owner know that I am interested. I may start by saying can I grab a tire ring for a fire pit. Then I will say that I saw some other "trash" that we can use. The conversation usually ends with them saying you can take any of that old trash.
    You will find antennas, pipe, ect. I even have an entire house that was torn down and dumped in a creek. Watch out for roofing nails and asbestos shingles.
    It has worked for me. I have also visited hunting leases thaty friends are on and if I see a good spot, I will try to join.
    Back in the day, people would not use landfills and just take it to the back of their properties.

  6. #5
    CMHN's Avatar
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    Not a bad idea, you get to hunt the land, clean it up and the scrap will pay for the year. Sounds win/win to me.
    CMHN Recycling

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