Here in South Florida most pools have heaters I am not sure of there functional capabilities,but i have scraped quite a few.They look just like a 4-5 ton
a/c unit with one big difference they have a large white plastic hook up for the water that sticks out of the bottom of the unit they have a compressor and a smaller dryer pump.There is a lot more copper lines than a a/c but the real cherry on top is the copper ring that the water flows thru,if you are familiar with a water cooled a/c unit there ring are nickle copper witch is magnettic,the pool heaters ring are soild copper thick copper rings the ones that i have done weigh the rings only 40-60 lbs of copper I pay 150.00 each and double my money or better,the pool heater guys know what they are worth so dont low ball them,hey like the 150.00 because the dont have to do the scraping witch they know how to do I have one company that save up five or six then they call me I love when i see the pool companys name on my caller ID P.S. i all most forgot they have a double copper alluminum coil averages 80 lbs Good Hunting.