I heard that some yards would take them because of critters has anyone ran into that?
Forming a scrap metal route is a great idea. A scrap metal route will produce residual income that can be appreciated.
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my yard will not take them because they say they drawes attack rats.
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I love Andy Capp and I like to see old threads come back to life. If you had a industrial can opener like the ones in restaurants you cut the bottom of can off in about 2 sec.
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Takes about 2 seconds to use the top of an 8 lb hammer letting gravity do half the work to flatten them, too.
Garbage keyboards > spɹɐoqʎǝʞ ʎɐqǝ
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Yards here take them, as for the idea that they attract rodents most stuff gets moved perty fast! And I am sure they have a few Junk Yard Cats to help with the rodents!
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Just noticed the op is in Ponder. Talk about a small world. That's where i went to elementary and middle school back in the day. So long ago middle school was called junior high. Ponder Steakhouse...is it still open?
Took the wife and kids through a few years back to show them where I went to school, church, etc. The school was torn down, First Baptist Church of Justin isn't a church anymore, they moved the highway when I went to show her Northwest High (where I graduated from). Sigh. Just memories now. Of course, when I smell hot tar, it still takes me back to elementary school - it seemed they were always retarring the roof just as school started.
Sorry for going off-topic there.
OK, here is my suggestion...tell the owner that you would like to use his restaurant as a prototype for "greener" environmental controls at the restaurant. Tell him you would like to partner with him and get the story published in a newspaper or on the local tv news (somebody will take that story because it's green). If you can get him to understand the free publicity to his business, he will will do whatever you want because the free advertisement of green activity will grow his business. Just my thoughts.
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Great idea!
When i open a food can at home I just clean it and throw it with my steel pile.
I'm sorry I'm dragging this back to the top... That being said, I'm a Mom looking for a little extra income so I've been saving all metal for a few months or so. I work in the kitchen at a preschool so I use anywhere between 4 and 8 #10 cans per day. I went to the scrap yard today (first time ever alone) and they wouldn't take them. Told me I should throw them out with my trash. I have about 60 of them in my truck bed... Anything else I could do with them? My husband does some scrapping, mostly mobile home tear downs, but this is my own project...
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Next step, get some business cards, dress decent, it would be nice to have some shirts made. Don't look like a mess when go to business, speak appropriately, and speak about other things you could take off heir hands. Present it in a manner that you are helping their overhead and not just yours.
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ive been using them to store stuff in but primarily recycling them, i miss the old metal coffee cans
I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at jghilino@hotmail.com
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You need to check with your yard and see what all they won't take. Or maybe find a better yard.I went to the scrap yard today (first time ever alone) and they wouldn't take them. Told me I should throw them out with my trash. I have about 60 of them in my truck bed... Anything else I could do with them?
I take my "tin or steel" cans and run over and flatten them and throw them into my scrap microwave and computer carcasses.
Don't know why they would refuse the tin cans. All goes thru the shredder.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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the key is to make them not look like cans remove the labels and smash them . or what I do remove the label cut the other end off with can opener and smash them and mix them in with my shred.
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I take the labels off my steel cans, and fill them with water overnight to soak. The next day I dump the food-soaked water into my houseplants, garden, yard, on trees, whatever. Waste not, want not. :0
The cans come out clean, and there's no real effort involved.
If i had a yard tell me they had a problem with taking them, I think I'd smash them flat and put them with my other steel. Maybe run over them. I can't imagine tossing metal.
Another thought: some people buy clean steel cans for artsy projects and for kitchen/art studio decor. Large ones for gardening. The shiny metal look is very much in. I bet a garbage bag full of them on CL would sell, if not for much, then at least for something.
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