friends, i am blessed with alot of them. my friend that got me started by accident of course owns property all over the county. my intro will cover part of this and he got me my first house trailer frame. i have a friend that owns a repo service i have gotten 5 of my cars from him i had to buy them of course. my friend that owns the fire saftey service with my fire extinguishers of course. another friend thats had several IT jobs around northeast AR in high positions has gotten me started on my
escrap with some contacts in the right places which is starting to pick up. some other buddies with alum cans and odd and end stuff likeappliances. my friends have known me all my life i was working 2 jobs at 17 and havnt slowed down since so they know i wont let them down if its in my control. lots of word of mouth, craigslist and paper adds. i will take anything from cars to cans and let it be known we can pick anything up