Places frequented by older people, or old ladies.
Work with me here.
My girlfriends mom owns a womens-only workout club, and my girlfriend works there. I asked her mom if I could put up a sign for old electronics. She said sure, so my girl made me a sign and posted it on the "community" board. It's a quarter of a page and she made a colorful background for it so it pops out. Simply says:
Got old junky electronics?
Looking to get rid of them?
Call Kyle @ (numbernumbernumbernumbernumberetcblahblah).
ex: TV's, VCRS, Computers...anything with a power cord.
Well, the ladies always ask about "this guy, is he legit, what does he do". She tells them "Thats my boyfriend. He takes old electronics, takes them apart, and recycles them for parts or whatever."
I've gotten a few phone calls, mainly they bring in items for her to bring home to me (obviously this wouldn't be an option for everybody).
It's just a thought for anybody looking for free advertising.
I've also gotten pleanty of items that are above scrap value, people just didn't want them.