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Ebay find for north carolina???? - Page 2

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  1. #21
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    I knew my math was a little low on this deal, but I was way off. Even with the 2 extra pallets of flat screens, this was more than 11,000lbs and WAY more than 244 monitors. We didnt count them but I think that there is easily 400 monitors. The truck was stacked almost all the way to the roof, and the 10'x20' storage unit is packed the same way. I broke down 60 of them today and didnt really put much of a dent in the pile.The owner of the property we removed these from is also looking for someone to deal with about 150+ TVs that they have. He said sizes range from 19" up to 60"+, I need to wait a week or 2 but am gonna also try and work out something to try and get these also. I know tvs dont have the goodies that monitors have, but as bad as he needs them gone we may be able to work out something. Looks like I am gonna be busy for a little longer than I thought.That ok though cause I LIKE MONEY.
    I have a few pictures to put up, but need to wait for the wife to do it for me.It never works when I try it,so that is her dept.

  2. #22
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    did you give em the penny while you were there, or send it through paypal? ; )

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  4. #23
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    Thats funny Bear, but No I didnt pay anything but sweat and blood for them. he didnt want to cancel the auction until I confirmed a pick up time because he has had trouble getting people to do what they say they are going to do.Now he has my phone #, so he dosent have that problem anymore.

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  6. #24
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    I look forward to seeing some pictures. Its seems like a very big project for a part timer. I happy to see you doin so well, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  7. #25
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    hek, get with Goodwill right up front, they might park you a trailer out there? ; )
    This is a great idea! If they want them I am sure they will give you something to put them in!

  8. #26
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    SOunds like me I picked up 9 gaylords of crt monitors, tv's and mixed electronics last week and have done all the work myself........I think I have about 10-15 left to break down.......LOL

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  10. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    This is a great idea! If they want them I am sure they will give you something to put them in!
    Almost like i saw on the Lowes thread, said not to mess with the local management, but find the regional office. Same thing i did at goodwill here, quite by accident though. Looked up goodwill to contact the closest store and noticed this area/region has about 12 stores, and the info@ email went to there. I asked if they had the glass picture tube recycling locally and the same day got a reply from the regional manager saying "Yes, we do". Now when I go to drop some off, and if the local manager has no knowledge of it, I have the regional managers name to refer him to.

  11. #28
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Nice score Shootsitall!

    Like you an Miked I'm here in NC on the coast myself. Wondering if I could bribe you with decent beer/soda/whatever for that place that takes crt's... I got about 15 of them sitting around in my workshop.

    It's that time of the year here where all the rentals an such are putting crap on the curb for the twice yearly large trash/appliance pickups. I'm tripping over tvs every time I go out.

    Should you ever need an extra pair of hands do holler. My grill, cooler, an tools travel well. LOL!

    Sirscrapalot - Always willing to lend a hand to a fellow NC scrapper. Well any scrapper for that matter on here..:P

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  13. #29
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    On the Goodwill suggestion...Feh. I tried my local Goodwill, huge mistake. I'll be driving to Va beach if I can't find someone to buy/take these crts I currently have. Dealing with my local Goodwill left a horrid taste in my mouth to the point, I won't be shopping or donating to them anytime soon. I was treated quite rudely there once while looking at stuff with the wife, an a second time when I asked them about the tv dropoff program they have.

    My GW doesn't look on scrappers very well. Basically act like we're all meth heads who bust in to homes an rip copper man?! Anyhow, I learned my lesson, I'll be dealing with district management or corporate from now on if I ever decide to try them again. I also will never donate to my local one ever again. My thoughts on donating to them may come as me being a douche, but eh..You treat me bad, I'll take my stuff elsewhere. They forget they aren't the only thrift store here. I'm sure my other local thrift stores will enjoy my cash/check donation all the more so.

    Sometimes life on a sandbar isn't go grand, but that's when I say eff it, grab a beer, some wire, an go sit on the beach an do some stripping. HA! ( yes I pick up my mess, don't want to kill any birds, sea turtles, etc)

    Sirscrapalot - Not a fan of the OBX Goodwill all.

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  15. #30
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    Should you ever need an extra pair of hands do holler. My grill, cooler, an tools travel well. LOL!
    Sirscrapalot, There just might be your signature line; "have cooler, will travel",,, lol
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  17. #31
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    LOL Mech...indeed!

    I think I may just have to if someone doesn't grab it first.

    Sirscrapalot - Have cooler, will travel(tm)!

  18. #32
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    hey Miked you are right this is a pretty big project and a HUGE one for a part timer,but I have never been afraid of a little hard work.I am realistic enough to know that in all I am gonna end up putting in 100+ hours into the complete break down.I have them in a storage unit .25 miles from the house and have been spending a few hours there on the way home from work almost every night. Already making some real progress into the stack.Easily got 125 or so broken down.All I am doing now is getting rid of steel,glass and plastic.I have all the yokes,wires,and boards to go through.That part is a lot easier though. my buddy got a new truck and I am thinkin about getting his old F150 off him.It looks rough but runs pretty good.Its not exactly what I want but its pretty cheap.Its gonna kill me on gas but I would really only use for going to the yard with my trailer.Was really wanting to waitin till my buick died,but I think I am gonna be able to get it off him for 4000-4500 lbs of white goods.

  19. #33
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    Sirscrapalot-You and your cooler is always welcome here.I will do my best to keep it full then empty with you

    A buddy of mine told me about that crt glass buyer but said they had a crazy min.I really dont remember the number but something like 4? or maybe 5? tons.At the time they were paying $160 a ton.I saw their web site at his house but cant find where I wrote down their Phone#. Its around here somewhere.

    If I work something out and get those 150+ tvs from that same man then I should have more than enough for a trip to the glass man.Send me a PM if you want to talk about throwing your glass in and maybe making the trip down with us. I am not really looking forward to those tvs. They still have some $$ in them (and I like $$) but I hoping to get him to sweeten the load with a pallet or two of towers (we counted 25 pallets of towers,servers,and other computer goodies while we were there)

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  21. #34
    carolinaecycle's Avatar
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    ha that was my ebay post!

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  23. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootsitall View Post
    (Hey Mike i found someone who buys crt glass not to far away!!!I will let you know before i make my first trip down there)

    Another nice SCORE from reading this forum!!! THANKS HYPOMAN!!!
    Shootsitall can you share the info on the crt buyer?? I am in VA and need to find somebody who will buy them. thanks

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