On the Goodwill suggestion...Feh. I tried my local Goodwill, huge mistake. I'll be driving to Va beach if I can't find someone to buy/take these crts I currently have. Dealing with my local Goodwill left a horrid taste in my mouth to the point, I won't be shopping or donating to them anytime soon. I was treated quite rudely there once while looking at stuff with the wife, an a second time when I asked them about the tv dropoff program they have.
My GW doesn't look on scrappers very well. Basically act like we're all meth heads who bust in to homes an rip copper out..wtf man?! Anyhow, I learned my lesson, I'll be dealing with district management or corporate from now on if I ever decide to try them again. I also will never donate to my local one ever again. My thoughts on donating to them may come as me being a douche, but eh..You treat me bad, I'll take my stuff elsewhere. They forget they aren't the only thrift store here. I'm sure my other local thrift stores will enjoy my cash/check donation all the more so.
Sometimes life on a sandbar isn't go grand, but that's when I say eff it, grab a beer, some wire, an go sit on the beach an do some stripping. HA! ( yes I pick up my mess, don't want to kill any birds, sea turtles, etc)
Sirscrapalot - Not a fan of the OBX Goodwill store..at all.