if you were to (heaven forbid) google "iron vs steel" (don't worry, this is a freebie), you will quickly see that "Iron is an actual pure metal" and that "Steel is an alloy made by combining iron and another element, usually carbon". There are also many other characteristics involving anything from "spring steel" to "cold rolled" to "hard tempered". That is, if you had the time, and didn't expect others should educate you on the matter of "your project", whatever that may be(you weren't very generous with that information). If you were to also explore the matter farther, you might also discover that different irons and steels had endless applications, from locomotive wheels, (please don't ask us to explain the way they are tempered from within and from without) to fence wire, to 5/8" rods, whether they be rough as rebar(you might want to google that too), or as smooth as a (google is your friend). If oilfield sucker rods would suit you, please note, they are not easily welded by a novice (if that was your purpose) as they are mostly magnetized. You really haven't left much for anyone to go by, but lots of people have tried to help. I almost know how you feel, IF you felt the way i did many times, knowing what i needed and what i wished to do, only not knowing where to find the (keyword here: specific)materials i was hoping to find, then the last question i wished to hear was "what do you need it for?".