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Illegal dumping sites - Page 2

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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnofarrell View Post
    So anyways I was wondering who I would talk to about finding who owns that land.
    The owner of property is public record usually the place to start is the property appraiser. Often their records can be found online. If you have trouble finding the info you might ask at the country court house where to find property records.

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  3. #22
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnofarrell View Post
    There is one that I stumbled upon about a year ago. My friend said there was an old cemetary up this random road in the middle of the woods. When we went drove up the hill and parked there was a ton of junk about 50 yards from the cemetary. There are a few fridges, old farm gas tanks, a couple a/cs and alot of random stuff. But once I looked in a little further there was 4 old 40's and 50's cars. I want to grab that stuff but there is an old farm sted another 100 yards down the road that was burned down. At the ruins of this house people have dumped more fridges and alot of water heaters. So anyways I was wondering who I would talk to about finding who owns that land. It is a gold mine and not may people seem to know about it or care about it.
    If you know the county and the township you should be able to find out who owns the land by viewing the plat book here: Hixson Plat Map Atlases of Iowa - The University of Iowa Libraries If the site is truely a site where others have been dumping then the owner might be very greatful for your offer to clean it up. Without the owners permission it would be considered theft.
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

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  5. #23
    arnofarrell's Avatar
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    Thanks Filthy and Jay I will definatly have to look into this stuff. My wife just reminded me that we have a book that shows us who owns the plots around us.

    Rusty thank you for this site, it will save me alot of time.
    Last edited by arnofarrell; 07-11-2012 at 07:55 PM. Reason: more replies

  6. #24
    Synin's Avatar
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    So I called the Dallas Marshall's office and they pretty much summed up what I already knew but figured I would share the info for anyone in the area.

    If you come across an illegal dump site:

    On Private Property:

    You must get WRITTEN permission from the owner to remove debris from the property, whether illegally dumped or not. If caught removing without written permission you can still be arrested for theft of property.

    Public Illegal dumps:

    The Marshall suggested calling in before picking to give your license plate, make, and model of vehicle in case the cops are called on you. This way you have on record that you did call to report the dump site and are not dumping yourself.

  7. #25
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    The yards by me require a title but if you cut the car in half-no title needed. I see tow trucks all the time with just a half a car on the back headed to the scrap yard.

  8. #26
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    Right on

    Im out here in new Mexico and people dump alot of stuff including cars, washing machines, and TVs...those three being the most common you never knows what you can fact as im posting this im on my way to finish the job and get the rest of the frame to this car

  9. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    The yards by me require a title but if you cut the car in half-no title needed. I see tow trucks all the time with just a half a car on the back headed to the scrap yard.
    I scrapped a car for the first time in years. They said they needed a title I said it is only half a car they said if it looks like a car they need a title.
    It was just a shell of a car on engine/trans or drive train (only 2 wheel left on it). But I had the title.
    I was wondering how people get ride of them when they do not have titles. I know they will tow them without tiles. Just pay less.

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