Hey hey! Another NC'er! Woot. Greetings from my sandbar on the OBX. Far as stepping on toes...don't think any of us SMF folks from NC are in your neck of the woods. I could be wrong tho.
On insulated wire...I get .80lb here for my insulated. Might not be the best, but it works for me. The insulated I deal with comes from tv's and other various electronics, or anything with wire..lol. At .80lb it's easier to just toss it in my bucket as I cut it then worry about stripping it. Only ones I worry about stripping are those fat juicy degaussing wire in the tv's and monitors I pick up. Otherwise it goes in the bucket. I could make more but I lack a decent
wire stripper and to be honest it's quite the PITA to bother stripping those little wires. I don't have enough beer to give me the patience to sit there and strip each tiny little wire. lol.
Anyhow welcome to the forums, and good luck to you in your ventures. Unless you come on my sandbar, then be prepared to be met with sand dollars and star fish thrown at you like ninja stars!
I kid I kid. You come to my sandbar I'll greet ya with the traveling cooler and the cold refreshing contents that lie within. I'm just that nice of a guy.
Sirscrapalot - Putting another 12 on ice.