here's a link to wikipedia
How to Use a Cutting Torch: 19 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow
up until step 7 (read it all very carefully) you should be on course. Always wear cutting goggles and cutting/welding gloves! Shoes, shirts, etc, are also included in this warning! Get your torch fired up (acetylene side) with the starting flint and adjust it to a flame with very little smoke, then slowly adjust your oxygen until you have a pinpoint white flame inside an outer blue one. Touch the flame to your metal until it begins to glow red, then slowly hit your thumb pedal oxygen to start blowing the molten metal away, just make sure you're blowing it in a safe direction. Step 7 is where their directions vary from your situation, they're burning an angle (with an open side beyond), you're trying to burn a sealed square and need to keep it from trying to blow towards the inside of the square/circle because the pressure exerted against the center will just blow back against itself, keep your burn blowing outwards towards the free air. This is not a comprehensive lesson, you need practice and experience to do it safely and efficiently, it's only a few primary details you'll likely need to consider. Torches can get very hot, and being burned by them can hurt very much.