Hello I'm very new to scrapping.
I started to clean out the wood behind my house a lot of old pipes and just stuff. Today I took my wheelbarrow and set to work. one of the things I pulled out was a Auto AC compressor. That's what the Husband says it is. LOL It has an Aluminum/rusted steel case. I started to take the bolts out and then started wondering if I would do better to just scrap it the way it is It's 25LBS ? What should it go under? Should I take it apart?
I also took out two old Window AC Units. We took them apart to a point. I have the fins still have the copper U on them. I did read that we need to take the ends off, Just need to get hubby to do this . I can't work a sawzall

I also read that some people take the black sealed compressor apart for the copper, should I do this ? One is 30lbs. Will I get more money from the copper inside ?
I know these are questions that have been asked a lot. But I can only some of this stuff myself. I can work a screw gun and hammer. But when it comes to the saw and grinder? I need hubby! He has a day job, so he can only do so much. SO when I start to get him to do the hard stuff I need it to be the most cost effective. He may quit this non paying honey do job!
Thanks for the help