tin vs short iron varies from place to place. The yards around here let anything 1/8" thick go as iron, yards in other places may require it to be 1/4" thick. You'll need to discuss it with your local yards to determine their requirements. This means any part of the pieces less than their required minimum can lead to a downgrade, but I've found the yards around here to be a bit lenient in both the required minimum thicknesses, and maximum lengths, and although i do play on that a little, i don't try pushing my luck too far. I have begun to push it a bit on the plastics, and wish I had done that from the start, as plastic here is harder to get rid of, and all along I could've been leaving a lot more of it in the mix, instead of accumulating the pile i have now, which will one day mean a trip to the dump, if i have no luck in finding some way to get it recycled