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best way to approach businesses? - Page 2

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  1. #21
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyisthealero View Post
    Absolutely! I still need to know the best way to go about doing it, if anyone can help! I'm unemployed and need the money bad! I'm fighting to get my unemployment currently and have no money coming in other than the couple hundred I get each month from scrapping, and borrowing money..
    Look into scrapping CRT monitors..........You should be able to get alot of these and can make a living off these alone (IT"S A HARD LIVING BUT IT CAN BE DONE)

  2. #22
    Mick's Avatar
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    Find a shop with some junk parts laying in a pile in a corner, under a bench etc. Ask someone "How much would you want for those (rotors, exhaust pipes etc)?"
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  3. #23
    Geiser093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyisthealero View Post
    Absolutely! I still need to know the best way to go about doing it, if anyone can help! I'm unemployed and need the money bad! I'm fighting to get my unemployment currently and have no money coming in other than the couple hundred I get each month from scrapping, and borrowing money..
    When I had a sales team I taught them about the law of averages. If they saw (X number of people) they would make (Y number of sales). Our industry was wholesale merchandise. Toys, household, etc. They saw 200 people they made $150+++ they see 100 they make pennies.

    You need to go out and go hard. Talk to anyone who will listen and if they don't listen then great you move on quick. You may tell a little old lady what you do and her son may be "the right guy" somewhere. If you see enough people everyday eventually you will be in the right place at the right time. LUCK is the intersection of HARD WORK and PREPARATION.

    I do not care how broke you are you can do it. If your unemployed and flat broke walk. Then once you get lucky rent a truck, find a partner, advertise for a guy on craigslist anything to make it work. If you are broke like I have been I will send you some flyers. PM me and I will send you my phone number. If you need advice call me.

    Set your sights on providing solutions for people then go out and find people with scrap, hauling, or whatever problem you can solve for a fee. Do a good job, do something extra, and ask for refferrals for more work.
    Let your friends know what your doing, get on Facebook, get on linked in and make connections. If you get stumped do not hesitate to call me for help I will walk you through some stuff. After you catch on pay it forward.

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  5. #24
    Oldbarnz's Avatar
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    My grandfather was a wise man and a successful businessman. One of his friends made the comment at how "lucky" he was. His famous reply is "It's funny, the harder I work, the luckier I get." Seems to apply here too!

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