To all the scrappers that don't have a yard or garage invest in a storage .... even if its only a small one its worth it ... i usually go with public storage they pretty much let me do what ever i want there (as long as i don't leave a big mess)... and the office hours r like 9 - 5 but the storage gates r open form 5:30 or 6 am til 9 or like the one i have now it closes at 10 ... so from 5:30 - 9 am and 5-10 at night you can bang , saw, chisel , cut ,sleep, all u want .... when i was homeless i used public storage to take a bird bath(hot water), play my xbox, break down metal, store metal , wait on scrap metal pickups, work on my truck, store my clothes, .... i even had a twin bed in there for times during the day to take a cat nap ....