I always just throw the screws in the box and figure im goin anyway just wondering thoughts on this topic
I always just throw the screws in the box and figure im goin anyway just wondering thoughts on this topic
I scrap in a car. I do scrap metal, but Im limited to the amount I can carry. Most Ive had in my car was a half ton, and it acted all squirlley on the road....
I didn't think of that
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If you are breaking down stuff at you place, save your steel from the breakdown. If you do not have room for steel don't pick up extra steel! As stated you are going to the yard anyway!. I would get a microwave and break it down then put the small stuff in it with your steel cans, bottle caps and stuff from your house! Not much space taken up! And when you go to the yard drop it off!
Some just don't want to deal with it. (Meaning, from where I'm sitting, they're in it for the easy, non-ferrous, money.)
Example--Two years ago this month, I was digging for a plumber, inside an old industrial building that was being remodeled into a senior citizen daycare facility. The general contractor had a couple of guys who'd grab all the wire and copper plumbing they could, but they didn't want the conduit, or the panel boxes (once they'd stripped them of copper), or the 6" steel channels that made up the doorways through the concrete block walls. The plumber would save any copper he got, (actually was a little POed that the GC's guys had beat him to so much of the old plumbing), but he didn't care if I took the cast iron pipe we dug up from under the floor. Nobody cared if I grabbed all the scrap tin either. And these guys all had trucks, and backyards at home...
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Most of the steel I get is a byproduct of the good stuff that I am after so I save it up and sell it to the scrap yard.
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steel is easy to find. its getting to the non-ferrous thats the hard part
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
steel as a by product of e-waste is good cashflow, things take a while to build up if you want good chunks of cash.
like cutting little gold plugs off wire, by the time you fill a coffee tin of gold pins, you'd of been to the scrap yard with steel many times.
I put thick steel things aside as steel over 5mm thick is consider good steel, not shred, can't think of the term.
but yeah, like in printers, that chrome bar the cartridge slides across is usually over 5mm thick so they go in my steel chest.
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Wish more people didnt scrap magnetic items around here! LOL
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it's called prepared steel here but whats in a name as long as you get more per lb over 1/8" thick and under 5' in length
I bring a couple 5 gallon buckets of small stuff with me each time to pay for the gas and everything else is consider profit 60 mile round trip for me though![]()
Last edited by NHscrapman; 03-10-2013 at 05:52 PM.
There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man
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Steel piles up quickly, it takes a lot to make a trip worthwhile, and it is worth so much less than ferrous metal, until I started doing cars, I passed on everything steel on the curb.. If I load the bed of my truck with Steel I may get $50 bucks. If I load the bed of my truck with say aluminum.. clean extruded aluminum.. I'm looking at nearly $500 for the same amount of weight.
I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!
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I scrap every atom of metal I come across, but the following figures might highlight why some don't mess with steel:
My OCD commands that I keep every one of my scrap tickets, and enter the details into a spreadsheet.
Since I started scrapping, clean copper has accounted for merely 2.2% of the total weight of scrap I took to the yard, but it accounts for 26.9% of my scrap $$$.
Steel (in all its forms, including waterheaters, etc) has accounted for 73.0% of the weight, and 23.8% of the $$$.
So all the steel I ever scrapped totals out to 33 times the weight of all the copper I've ever scrapped, for ~88.5% as much money.
Low grade boards are the only other item category with a higher pct of total weight (4.7) than pct of total revenue (4.1).
Out of clutter, find simplicity. --Albert Einstein
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I remember a great hint from another Kiwi about screws. He saves up the stainless steel ones & then sells them to people who work/own/fix boats.
Boats are near salt water & they have to use stainless steel screws so they don't rust. Stainless steel screws are expensive & harder to find.
He sold them in bags for a few $$ each.
His hint was probably one of the most 'out of the box' & valued hints I have got here. Theres absolutely no way I could have thought of that myself.
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screws are a nice money maker all of the normal ones from a little of everything I sell for $1lb and screws from towers, laptops, and drives range from $4-7lb and hard drive screws I do at $10lb $7.50 if larger orders and even with ebay fees its a crap load more than steel prices and I do it as I go so I do not have to sort things later. laptops are the only thing I sort really well but its easy with the plastic bins I got for free curb shopping there are 50 trays in the one I have and when one fills up I weigh it and put it in a baggy until theres a pound. which adds up faster on older models like dells.
I prefer to scrap everything, but space is a definite disadvantage. My 1 ton van also houses, well, my house. I hide my tin very well then take it in when I have a good load. With AL prices so low here, I wont take a load in until I have roughly 75-100 lbs to cover gas. All the little stuff i will keep in bags and coffee cans and put it under the bed.
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