I saw something curbside yesterday that looked interesting, and I grabbed it. No clue what it was until I had a chance to google it this morning. Turns out its a piece of photography dark room equipment, specifically a Photo enlarger. Specifically a Simmon Omega B-8, produced until 1974 ish.
All I saw was some Aluminum and wire at a minimum. Looked it up on good 'ol
ebay and people are asking upwards of $200 for these things, but no bids on any of the listings. There is a sticker on the one I have with $20, I guess the owner tried to sell at a yard sale and was unable to.
Any advice on where to sell or should I just break it down and add to my respective buckets? I'm fine with tearing it apart, unless somebody knows of a way to get significantly more than scrap for it...
Photo attached is not the actual one I have, but the same type.