Yeah, theres some gold plated silver contacts in what I have found so far. Not many though.
It depends on what you are scrapping for contacts.
The little switches from microwaves, I have started a bit of a fact sheet about them. They vary a lot, not depending on what they look like either. Hit or, well 'tap'.
My contacts get divided into 'Silver' & 'Silver/Copper' & 'Magnetic' along with the few 'Gold plated silver'.
Best sources>
Microwaves = Relays, Safety switches (2 & 3 pole), Overload switches (tempature type) & the odd Gold containing smoke dectectors.
Fridges = Variable Temp contacts inside fridge, Compressor on/off switch (inc copper coil in older common sort), Compressor overload switch.
Washing machines = Mulitude of Timer switches, Attached to motor switches (after motor has started, switch closes - starting water heater etc) The Water level part with a long plastic tube on it.
Clothes dryers = Multitude of Timer switches, Attached to motor switches (after motor has started, heater coils are energised) Safety temp switches.
TV's = Odd Relays etc.
Hot water jugs = Auto off switch.
Everything else that has a switch. Its got contacts of some sort.
Computer power supplys sometimes have tiny 2x pinhead size silver contacts. Any relay has contacts, the smaller relays the more chance you will find the 'Gold Bars'. Rotary telephones have Gold bars too.
The larger amount of electricity it uses & the older the item the more chance you will find the 'silver platter' contacts (big silver dollops).
Also industrial electrics & switches/contacts that are used often. Have more chance of being silver.
I have noticed that German dryers/washing machines are often a magnetic contact, they look like a copper/silver block & are pressed into place.
A day later. I found some tiny gold plated copper contacts in a computer mouse (the sort with the wire attached, not a wireless sort)