I was reading the thread on propane tanks tonight and was trying to post there and realized how dangerous everything is. anything from
ewaste to vehicles. ive gotten more cuts and scrapes from breaking down computers than i have had from removing radiators. with the tanks ive cut hundreds of them, i pop the valve with it clamped down, ive popped the valve on fire extinguishers clamped down that have nearly knocked me down( im a big guy) on propane tanks i pop the valve and wait, sometimes for weeks(ive got a few that i may never cut) and when i don't smell propane any more walking by i recheck each one(smelling) i throw them to the cut pile, i then cut the tank on the oposite side from the hole where the valve was located. im by no means saying this is the right way, its just the way we do it here
change of pace, last week i was cutting off a converter and ive done at this point hundreds, my blade jammed up in the pipe, jerked my hand off the saw and the saw came back and knocked the crap outa my thumbnail, hurt like heck and bled under the nail, my point is sometimes we do things so often that we become less alert.
this goes from dumpster diving, breaking down towers, ac units, or just pulling your trailer.
from a wrench slipping to a screwdriver through a finger, hammers, saws the list is endless, start looking at the scars on your hands and try to remember them all
this one sounds stupid, but most of you know we got the two new trucks recently, ive got 3 5speesds and one automatic, all three of us that are here all the time have reached for a gear shift thats not there, slammed our foot into a spot where the clutch is suppose to be, the right situation and it could be bad.
1st and foremost, if you ever ask should i be doing this the answer is probably no
we all do different things but me and my guys do the following
wear seat belts
use safty glasses,
wear gloves when needed
ear protection when needed
wear steel toes (mines composite)
there is no piece of scrap that you will ever cash in that will be worth a finger, eye or even your life, so please just be careful