So last night I had a stove to break down and I figured I would tread it like a case study of sorts. Here is what I did.
Complete Dis assembly in less than 1 Hour.
Cost $20
Stove Weight Complete #130 * .10 = $13.00
Steel Content #81 * .10 = $8.10
Tempered Glass #36 * .? = ?
Insulation/Trash #8 * -.0 = 0
Copper #1 #1 * 3.00 = $3.00
Copper Motors #1 * .30 = .30
Aluminum High Recover (fan) #1 *.30 = .30
Burner Elements #2 * .25 = .50
The Good News. Its not worth tearing down to this extent!
My plan for stoves. Assume most of the weight is steel except for any copper wires that are 10 minutes or under for recovery.
Scrap the Rest.
Expected Return on Stoves
$15 Ea.