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WOuld you remove for free?

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  1. #1
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    I know I will get flak for this, and I honestly dont care.

    Stop thinking about the future potential business that may or may not come. that going to feed you tonight? No.

    You know what the price of metal is in your areas (I wish I was different. Here it is a stinking 7.5 cents a lb!)...anyways, calculate all your costs, and subtract it from the gross profit you will make.

    I am with Burly, I am in business to make money, plain and simple! Family, friend, it does not matter to me. Family and friends will at least cover my expenses, and labor if I have to bring in a helper.

    Sooner or later, most of you will realize that free is not always best, no matter where you live.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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  3. #2
    1956's Avatar
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    Well to you guy's that work for nothing,scrapers make a bad mistake and under value your time.This is a trade business and because you have the knowledge why do it for free?The good jobs are far and few,take advantage of the situation,charge a fair price do a good job and go on to the next job.Remember you are a skilled tradesman ,treat your business like a business.That is the only way to survive

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  5. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I know I will get flak for this, and I honestly dont care.

    Stop thinking about the future potential business that may or may not come. that going to feed you tonight? No.

    You know what the price of metal is in your areas (I wish I was different. Here it is a stinking 7.5 cents a lb!)...anyways, calculate all your costs, and subtract it from the gross profit you will make.

    I am with Burly, I am in business to make money, plain and simple! Family, friend, it does not matter to me. Family and friends will at least cover my expenses, and labor if I have to bring in a helper.

    Sooner or later, most of you will realize that free is not always best, no matter where you live.
    Again, profit is not a bad thing. Since you are dealing with sheet metal, if you cut yourself to the point you need stitches, who has to pay the hospital bill? Either you or your insurance company. I don't about you but my insurance rates haven't gone down in memorable history, and a visit to the e-room will wipe out every penny you might make.

    I am with Burly and GeorgeB on this one.

  6. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    if i cut myself i do mine own stitches if it comes to it. most of the time though i just glue it or leave its as it. must be why im scarred up.

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