please by no means take this as being in stone just a few tips that if you have overlooked u might want to get checked out ....
1.synthetic oil .... whats 1 dollar more per bottle ... either pay now or pay later ...
2.if its leaking and you have a choice park it til the leak is fixed .... seen too many haulers blow a tranny and never know why ... "its not leaking " is what they say ... no the transmissions not leaking but your radiator and water pump are and without an external transmission cooler ---with a fan i might add --- then its eventually going to overheat .. most of the time your tranny is cooling off of your radiator ....
3.Lucas oil ... --- proven stuff .... if your have ever tried there display case you will see the difference
4. Sea foam , Stp fuel injection cleaner, gumout , b-12 , Acetone ...
5. Air up your tires and keep a spare tire with you
6.If you can afford it Stick with places like NAPA auto parts .... this is from personal experience .... there parts cost more but it seems like they last a while ...
7. Too many people under 1 hood is a BAD THING ....
8. Tighten your battery cables .
9. Avoid rush hour --- nothing like sitting in bumper to bumper traffic with 2 tons of metal on your trailer tring to make it to the metal yard before they close ..
if you have anything to add please do so ... more mpg equals more money in our pockets ...