Originally Posted by
Plz elaborate on acetone..
this was taken from a different website as im a lil busy at the moment but acetone is in most of your over the counter carb - choke cleaners .....
CRC Carb Cleaner ingredients:
Acetone 20-30%
Toluene 35-45%
Methanol 25-35%
Carbon dioxide 5–10%
Berryman's B12 ingredients:
Toluene 40-50%
Methanol 20-30%
Acetone 20-30%
MEK 1-5%
2-Butoxyethanol 1-5%
Isopropanol 1-5%
Mixed Xylenes 1-5%
Supertech Carb Cleaner ingredients:
Acetone 47.2%
Toluene 44.7%
Gumout Jet Spray Carburetor and Choke Cleaner ingredients:
Acetone 60-100%
Propane 5-10%
MEK 1-5%
Distillates (petroleum) 1-5%
Prestone Carb and Choke Cleaner ingredients:
Acetone 60-100%
Solvent Naphtha Petroleum Distillates 10-30%
Carb Cleaner vs. Brake Cleaner as a parts cleaner - Bob Is The Oil Guy
acetone to clean intake - Google Search
acetone to pass smog - Google Search