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How would you handle this???

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  1. #1
    grouchyolddude started this thread.
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    How would you handle this???

    The company I work for has an overstock of nice office laser printers and the large print/copy/scan/fax office printers. They all work and come in various brands and ages.

    We also have an overstock of LCD computer monitors. Most of them work but no guarantees on all of them. Some of them don't have stands.

    Lastly, we do have a few old/problem PC's, I'm not sure exactly how many we have but I can find out this Friday.

    What kind of prices are you willing to pay?
    Of course, I'd have to take a look at the load, but wondering with the flailing market, what kinda prices you'd suggest. errrr how you would approach it.
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  2. #2
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    I find myself fighting the temptation to break my unwritten rules just to keep busy. I never buy printer or monitors, but will take them off my clients hands for free if they sell me their computers. Stick with the $5 per pc, unless you discover its a server or is loaded with goodies (re-useable parts, Pentium Pro processors, tons of memory, etc.). Now, if you have the time and experience selling used printers on CL, and know what you can get for them, then maybe fork over a couple bucks each. Printers are a dime a dozen and you will find that if you stay firm, the people will probably just give you stuff to get it off their hands.

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  4. #3
    grouchyolddude started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    I find myself fighting the temptation to break my unwritten rules just to keep busy. I never buy printer or monitors, but will take them off my clients hands for free if they sell me their computers. Stick with the $5 per pc, unless you discover its a server or is loaded with goodies (re-useable parts, Pentium Pro processors, tons of memory, etc.). Now, if you have the time and experience selling used printers on CL, and know what you can get for them, then maybe fork over a couple bucks each. Printers are a dime a dozen and you will find that if you stay firm, the people will probably just give you stuff to get it off their hands.

    I've never had much luck resaling printers. Like you say, "they're a dime a dozen." but I'm far frombeing an expert on what's a good bet n whats not too. I have refused to pay for them up to this point. Most do have a decent board in 'em, a bit o wire, but so daaaaamn much plastic to deal with. LCD's might be worth something tho'??

  5. #4
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    I would make a short but concise pitch to the person you are dealing with. Something like this (which is by now etched into my permanent memory bank).

    "Sir, thank you for giving me the opportunity to purchase your computer items. I am certainly interested in the equipment you have available, but the only items I typically pay for are computers (and whatever else you want to pay for). I'll be happy to look at the printers, but to be honest I get in hundreds of these a week and there just isn't a market for them. In my efforts to recycle them properly, I barely break even if I were to get them for free. You might want to try selling them on Craigslist, but I think you will find it difficult. I can save you the trouble and remove them for you, and give you peace of mind knowing they will be recycled properly"

    Most people, especially businesses, don't have the time or desire to list these items online and sell one by one. If one of your competitors comes in and pays for them, let them have it. They will go out of business before long chasing every losing proposition. Hope this helps

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  7. #5
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Some of those printers might have gold memory in them. The larger ones that are printer/copier/fax combo will have memory and at least mid grade boards. the little computer copiers will only have two small mid grade boards. If this is your place of employment you might want to offer a little bit for the printers but I wouldn't offer much.

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  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    I would make a short but concise pitch to the person you are dealing with. Something like this (which is by now etched into my permanent memory bank).

    "Sir, thank you for giving me the opportunity to purchase your computer items. I am certainly interested in the equipment you have available, but the only items I typically pay for are computers (and whatever else you want to pay for). I'll be happy to look at the printers, but to be honest I get in hundreds of these a week and there just isn't a market for them. In my efforts to recycle them properly, I barely break even if I were to get them for free. You might want to try selling them on Craigslist, but I think you will find it difficult. I can save you the trouble and remove them for you, and give you peace of mind knowing they will be recycled properly"

    Most people, especially businesses, don't have the time or desire to list these items online and sell one by one. If one of your competitors comes in and pays for them, let them have it. They will go out of business before long chasing every losing proposition. Hope this helps
    Nice pitch there Shen, You might also add to that.
    "If they do, however, have memory sticks in them, you'll receive 25 cents per stick : D"
    Last edited by Bear; 07-04-2013 at 09:34 AM.

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  11. #7
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    How would you handle this???

    I usually pay $1.00 ea for the large hp laser printers. if they have the jet direct card on back you can sell the 600 series for at least $10, the paper trays for $10 - $20, boards and motors, and still have a few pounds of shred

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  13. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I have no advice on how to handle it, since Shen, bear,Happy and Direct said it best.

    ON the brightside tho..if you get the tvs with no stands do let me know, I got a box of stands an no flat screen tvs! I'd hate to send'm to the yard, cause their practically brand new stands, even still wrapped. Buddy dropped a bunch of stuff of a week or two ago and in the box was about 15 nice stands. So new they even have the instructions! LOL.

    Good luck to ya on the deal, and hope you can find a way to make it work for you.

    Sirscrapalot - Being awfully helpful today, must be something in his drinks.

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  15. #9
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    Stand instructions: Place on desk.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    LOL..actually's like 3 pages!

    I had a good laugh when I saw that, one would think it'd be pretty simple to hook up the stand. An I see now Grouchy you said monitors not tvs, but either way..I got some stands!

    As the old saying goes "Common sense isn't so common." far as needing instructions to put a stand on a monitor/tv..ha.

    Sirscrapalot - Just "standing" around.

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  19. #11
    Scrap man's Avatar
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    If you do decide to pay for the printers, ask whether or not the memory has been removed. I know most of the ones I get from offices have it removed already
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  20. #12
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    "Sir, thank you for giving me the opportunity to purchase your computer items. I am certainly interested in the equipment you have available, but the only items I typically pay for are computers (and whatever else you want to pay for). I'll be happy to look at the printers, but to be honest I get in hundreds of these a week and there just isn't a market for them. In my efforts to recycle them properly, I barely break even if I were to get them for free. You might want to try selling them on Craigslist, but I think you will find it difficult. I can save you the trouble and remove them for you, and give you peace of mind knowing they will be recycled properly"
    Very well worded. If you don't mind, I'ma just cut & paste this exact quote in the future!
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  22. #13
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    The burly method of handling printers:
    1. Remove cords
    2. Remove printer cartridges
    3. Throw in with shred.

    My yard will take them in my shred pile, and of course staples takes the ink cartridges for credit and we scrap the wires.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  23. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    The burly method of handling printers:
    1. Remove cords
    2. Remove printer cartridges
    3. Throw in with shred.

    My yard will take them in my shred pile, and of course staples takes the ink cartridges for credit and we scrap the wires.
    I find my self having a rough time leaving the boards behind, even though they're not worth much, and certainly(in most cases) not really worth the time/trouble involved. Even one the other day that dumped ink all over my impromptu work bench/old washtub/Saturday night grunge remover/mower engine cover (yeah, i'm country ; ) and I'd tossed it whole into the trailer, I still found myself later with a straightclaw Estwing bashing till it gave up the board hahaha

  24. #15
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I figured the Burly method woulda been...

    1. Get sledge
    2. Get Burly mad
    4. Profit.

    Sirscrapalot - Snap, crackle, pop..Rice Krispies!

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  26. #16
    grouchyolddude started this thread.
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    WoW!!.. a far larger lot than I expected. I'm thinking at least 8-10 pallets. And it's a little over 100 miles away. I can squeeeze 3 pallets on my trailer, possibly one in the truck bed. I'm thinking about asking one of the Denver buyers here if they'd like to split the load with me.
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  28. #17
    grouchyolddude started this thread.
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    A thought just occurred to me... almost all are "Gateway" units. I'm thinking colored chinese boards??..

  29. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    From my own experience with Gateways...

    The desktops an monitors were all taking from a lot I had bought a while back. 5o - 65 towers and bout 40 monitors or so, I didn't break down all my monitors tho saved a few for resale. So ya know I'm not just talking 1 or 2.

    Disclaimer - The below is my own findings. They were all originals an no upgrades to them. Your mileage may vary.

    Desktops - Green all were for me. (E3500 series if I recall..I liked breaking these down, gateway got pretty funky with their cases I though, more fun then the normal desktop tower.)

    Monitors - Again..Green but only one maybe 2, I forget. ( Ones I broke down were Gateway FPD1530's ) And lots of **** screws...LOTS! GRRR!

    Printers - No idea. Don't get those.

    Laptops - Don't get Gateway laptops, at lest haven;t yet.

    Hope it helps and let us know your own results!

    Sirscrapalot - Would work for Alcohol research.
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 07-08-2013 at 03:14 PM. Reason: Typos an smileys o my!

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  31. #19
    grouchyolddude started this thread.
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    If you were closer, I'd take you up on the work offer and "research" the bottom out of bottle o' Cap' Morgans Private reserve by golly.
    thanks SirS'A'L'..

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  33. #20
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Just a thought, up here someone just posted an ad for 9 -17" and 4 -19" non-working flatscreen monitors on CL.
    They are asking for $50.00. If they get it then they made about 3.85 ea. Not bad profit for not having to tear down.
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